Chapter 2 - Meeting the Guys

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Avelyn's POV

"Avelyn Liliana Gravaldi! Wake your ass up right now before I come up there and beat it!" Mother screams.

Jesus Christ! Is five more minutes too much to ask?

In all honesty, I would have just slept in a little longer. That is, if I knew my dearest mother wasn't telling the truth. I really don't want to give her another reason to punish me. Not after last night's punishment. I get chills even thinking about it. Never again. I guess it's a good thing I heal quickly, or else my whole entire body would be covered in bruises and scars. Mother and Father are aware that I have strange gifts. It's one of the reasons why they punish me. According to them I'm an "abomination." That and I have strange, naturally-silver hair and blue eyes, while both of my parents have brown hair and brown eyes. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. I'm just saying it's odd that I have neither. But I've always just assumed it's because I have a recessive gene, or something.

Oh, and let's not forget that I sprout wings. Yeah, who could possibly forget that little detail? They think I'm a freak. I mean, they're not wrong, but it still hurts to have your parents call you a monster. Maybe even more than their punishments. After all, even though my outer scars heal, my inner demons never faulter in taunting me and reminding me they still own me. No, the inner scars were more painful to receive. Those will never vanish; they'll always plague me. I would just use my magic as protection, but then it would make the situation worse. They'd send me to some place to be a lab rat. . . And I'd actually become the monster they claim me to be.

And right now, the reason why Mother dearest is screaming my name, as if she's warning the plague is upon us, is because today is my first day of school. You see, I just transferred from California. My father had to move us across the country for his job. Woopdidoo.

Sarcasm intended.

We're pretty well off if I'm being honest. But that doesn't mean I live a very luxurious life. In fact, I live in a three story house with nine bedrooms and five bathrooms, but I still got stuck with a room the size of a closet. That's not me being snotty; my room literally used to be a closet, before my mother and father took down the racks and shelves so I could use it as my bedroom. Even though it's only us living in this house, and there were still eight completely empty and very spacious rooms left to choose from. I'm sure it was probably just another one of their "punishments." Or they just did it to spite me, which is very likely.

Though, outside of this house, they like to keep up their good appearances. So guess what that means. . . I get to drive a nice car and wear nice clothes! Yay! Again, sarcasm. But, at home, I get no such luxuries. They just don't want their daughter to be seen driving a Toyota, as if there's anything wrong with that. I roll my eyes at the thought of their pettiness. Bad people don't deserve nice things, but the universe seems to disagree.

Back to my point. Today is the first day of school. Yay. I also have to go to a small school where everyone has, no doubt, known each other for years. Double yay. Nothing better than being the new kid.

Though, for some odd reason, I feel like something good is going to happen today. What? I have absolutely no clue. But, I feel the magic that runs through my veins buzz in excitement. That always happens before I have a vision, which doesn't happen too often, actually. But it has been reoccurring since I was 13. The first time I saved those wolves. I never did see their faces after they changed.

Sometimes I lie awake at night thinking of what they could've looked like. I guess I'll never know. But, often times, I do have to save from something. They just never know when to quit, do they? Even though I don't know them personally, I still feel the need to protect them. Like I'm bound to them somehow. It's weird, I know. They're literally just a trio of giant dogs.

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