Chapter 12

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I am officially the most pathetic person in the entire world.  I literally did nothing for 3 weeks. Nothing. I stayed in bed, watched Netflix, and only got out of bed to shower or go to the bathroom. I lived for nighttime, when I would transform, and try to reach Zac. We can only mind-link if we're wolves. Sometimes I could talk to him, but mostly I wasted hours trying to. Zac, of course, has a maid. Seriously, a maid. Which is why I can get food delivered up to my room. I've been living at Zac's for awhile now. I know I should be going to school, but let's just say this isn't my first time through high school. I became a werewolf at the most inconvenient time. See, once you become a werewolf, you're immortal, unless you someone kills you. Even then, you'd have to find some way to get a silver blade through our heart while we're human. You can use something else to kill us, but we're considerably weakened by silver, so it's the most effective method. Very complicated I know. And confusing.

Like I said, I've been living at Zac's for a little more than three weeks. Almost done one month, one more to go. Then one day I managed to drag myself out of bed to go downstairs. Believe me, I wish I never did. Maybe then I wouldn't...well you'll find out in a second.

I got up one morning, deciding that I needed to man up. Or woman up. Anyway, I got dressed, put on makeup, and went downstairs with the intention of cooking my own breakfast. I was in the process of making scrambled eggs when...

"Why hello there, my dear." I froze. Literally, I couldn't move for a moment. 

"Salvotor." I stated without turning around. "What do you want."

"Why I want you of course. I have everything I want except 2 things. My son...and you." 

"What?" I tried not to gag. That stupid perverted mutt. Zac was his son. I was Zac's mate. Salvotor is twice my age, if not more. 

"What do you mean?" 

"You know exactly what I mean my dear." I gritted my teeth. One of the members of Zac's pack was almost always at the house, because apparently I would be safer. Where is he? I doubt Zac would ask Alexandra to be here, and to my knowledge, shes the only female. 

"You You do know I am your son's mate right?" 

"Yes. And that's exactly why I need you. You're the leverage I've been looking for, for years, decades, and have finally found. As soon as Zac got with Alexandra, I realized he did not care for her as much as he thought he did. Then he met you, which somehow he never had before. If I have you, he will certainly come looking for you. No?"

"He won't." I said this, even though I knew it was the exact opposite. "He says he loves me, but I can tell he doesn't. I learned a long time ago how to tell when someone is lying. And I've never made a mistake." Expect once. Believing Austin. I took a deep breath. "I know he's manipulated me into thinking that he loves me. " What was I saying? Then it occurred to me that it might be a good idea to agree with Salvotor. Every time Zac has tried to send someone to spy on Salvotor, they've failed. But I won't. I can't. 

"So you agree with me, when I say that the werewolves need a king. Someone to keep them in line. Someone to make an army out of us, when someone tries to wipe us out. And you also agree that the werewolves need a queen. Someone beautiful, smart, believable, and who can lie. Preferably, you. If you don't come with me, I will kill you and your family, Zac, everyone you love, including that idiot Tom, right here, right now. I put the offer out. I really don't want to chase you down, I know you see it. You run with me, and I can cut you free, of Zac, betrayal, and those walls you keep in."

"I have one condition. Or maybe two. Zac isn't hurt. No matter what. None of his pack are hurt.Same goes for my family."

"This queen needs to be someone who wouldn't have a problem wiping out all the puny, insignificant humans. What do you say Zendaya? Do you agree?"

Could I sacrifice my beliefs, some humans, and possibly my life so that Zac could be safe? Could I give up my old life to help some old creep? Could I sacrifice everything so that I could pass information to Zac about when and where and who Savoltor would be attacking? And could I stand to be his queen, trying to change him and his ways? 

The answer is yes. I sacrifice anything to keep those I love safe. Even if means me. 

"Well? Do you agree Zendaya?"

I took a deep breath, forced a smile, that looked more like a grimace on my face and said: "Wholeheartedly." 

Heyyyyyyyy. Sorry this kind of a filler chapter, but its pretty important. To make one thing clear though, Zendaya isn't saying yes just to save herself. If she says no, Salvotor will kill her, Zac, her sisters(who haven't been mentioned yet, and are in other packs,) Zac's pack, and Austin's pack. But how will she live without Zac?
I love all you guys who are still reading my story, even though its not very good, and I almost never update. Love you<3

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