Chapter 3 : The Proceedings

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Chapter 3 : The Proceedings

Three days was what I thought I'd stay. It was three months. Surprisingly, I was working  under him still. I shone in the test and was now on my full time work. The feelings in my heart for him just grew stronger. The way he attended to his clients. The epitome of graceful gentleman kind behavior he displayed. The respect he treated his employees with. 

But, sadly for me, he didn't even flirt once. I mean I wouldn't mind if he did. Did I not catch his eyes at least, if not his heart? The good news was he, didn't have a woman in his life. Oh I saw all the female lawyers ogle and even flirt with him. He flirted back too. But all in good intentions. We practically were together from eight in he mornings to seven at nights. Sometimes he even called at nights requesting certain work related documents to be made. Not everyday but on the nights before court hearings. 

Today we were traveling together to Delhi for a three day conference. I had never been so excited before. Him and me...of course as his secretary but still. I had decided that I would drop hints. Let him know that I liked him. His response would determine the next course of action. I looked at him through the corner of my eyes. Sitting close to him was initially hard. He was a very attractive man. But now I was used to it. 



"Don't you get bored, reading just about law and law.?" 

"Not really." He replied amused.

"Surprising!" I muttered.

"What?" He glanced.

"Nothing. Your passion for law impresses me." I smiled. Wish you had that passion in flirting. Gauri stop your mind it's racing in all wrong directions.

"You're bored?" He asked turning slightly towards me. Yes. I was, did he note that? Progression!

"No, no, just like that. Sorry if I disturbed." I said sweetly. What if he magically brought out another boring newsletter and handed it to me to read during the flight. Not happening! I still hated law. The only reason I accepted it was, because he lived by breathing law.

"I can make that much out. Tell me, we can have a non-law Oriented , casual conversation." He said shutting the book he read. Okay. Now I am in a fix.

I smiled. "No. You can read." What do I talk to him about? Law was the best way to talk to him. Every time I wanted to hear his voice, I asked a doubt. There were many I had in my mind every time. But he was too easy going on me, I felt. I screwed up so many tines but he put up with it all instead of firing me and getting a correctly qualified secretary.

"Quit it. Tell me about anything. Which college did you got to..why didn't you pursue a business oriented career, you'd be much better off now, of you did. "He said putting the newsletter he was reading in the net pocket.

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