Chapter 19 : Unending Fall

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Gauri wiped her mouth with the tissue as she chewed and then spoke, "I love tandoori naan with paneer butter masala."

"Hm.." Omkara hummed as he finished chewing.  "That's very common.  I think that is the favorite of half of India's population."

"You're being judgemental, Sir." Gauri glared at him while speaking in a soft voice.  

He chuckled raising his palm. "I am guilty, my lord." 

Gauri giggled, rotating her fork to tangle the noodles. "But in a weather like this Chinese becomes my favorite. " 

He smiled. "Hmm..this is actually good. But I like Italian on days like these. Especially when Shivaay is the master-chef cooking it"

"Your brother cooks?" Gauri asked impressed.  Omkara wished he had paid a little more heed to Shivaay's requests to learn from him.

"Yeah." He answered dryly.

"Wow. He is a businessman. And yet he cooks." Gauri took another mouthful. Omkara had never felt so jealous of Shivaay before.  "Well,  I used to, once upon a time, accompany him but now there is no time. Cases are pending.  There is so much work. " Omkara laid his justification neatly before her.

"That's an excuse." Gauri remarked with a twinkle in her eyes. Omkara raised his gaze up from his plate to look at her. He loved how she argued with him. There were very little people who argued with him. Of course no one loved debating or arguing with him cause they knew he had his way. But, here is where she was different.  She knew it and yet ventured out in the wild to argue with him like it was her birth right.  

"No that is not an excuse.  That is a fact. Shivaay can work from home.  He can get his whole office home because his company legit works on high-tech systems. His office is one login away. But, in my case, I cannot carry office home. You have seen the number of files and the reference books.." he turned to look at the huge mahogany bookshelf against the wall.

"But I guess your home is big enough to give them a little space."  Gauri pointed out staring at the bookshelf. His mansion was huge. Like literally huge, ten plus families like hers could stay there.

"My mom and Rudra hate those books." Omkara revealed to her.

"Really?" Gauri asked excited.  She wasn't the only one who hated them. 

"Yeah."Omkara looked at her amused expression weirdly. He then smiled in his mind. She certainly did not like them. Thoughtfully he focused on the food in is plate.

"Okay, umm, so what is your favorite weather?"  Gauri asked continuing the casual topic on 'favorites' they had begun.

"Winters." Omkara answered.

"Winters? Who likes winters? I mean--"

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