Chapter 30 : Lawyer is in love

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( P R E S E N T )

Omkara approached the dining table to find his wife seated there chatting with his mother with a smile on her face. He glanced around to find Anika ignoring Shivaay's whispering voice. Omkara assumed he was trying to placate her which obviously wasn't working. He sat on the chair beside the on his wife sat on. He decided to talk to her in private later.

Out of habit Gauri put a plate before him and was about to serve him when Jaanvi and Anika cleared their throats. Omkara looked up observantly and realized his wife had turned away and was now focusing on her plate. He shot a glare at Shivaay who was heard stifling his chuckles. Omkaar sighed, asking Rudra to pass the hotpot as he helped himself. Damn, the women of his family. They were a bad influence on his sweet adorable wife. But Omkara wouldn't let them win. No way. After his fourth bite, Omkaar started coughing, obviously artificial. Gauri's reaction was almost like a reflex. Her hand started rubbing his back asking him to look up, while her other hand poured out some water and held the glass over his lips. He held back his smile and drank. 

"You okay?" Gauri asked looking at him with concern filled eyes. "Better now." He whispered meeting her eyes. She smiled lightly pulling back her hand. She turned to find Jaanvi and Anika looking at her with disappointed looks. She sulked, they had both lectured her to not forgive Omkara for what he said. But what they didn't know was that Gauri couldn't be mad at him. One look at him or one smile from him, she'd melt! She decided to focus on her food.

Omkara smirked at Shivaay who looked on impressed. Shivaay sat up straight and glanced at Anika who was already looking at him with narrowed eyes. "Don't even think of it. Gauri is a new player, I am not!" She hissed and turned to the other side. Shivaay sighed sulking.

Jaanvi finally broke the silence that suddenly dawned upon the dinner table. "Omkara, why don't you take a break from work.."

"And take Bhabhs on a honeymoon." Rudra completed excitedly.

Gauri felt heat on her cheeks as she heard that. Honeymoon was a word for equivalent to a vacation where couples had lots of sex. Thanks to her stupid friends that the word only brought that thought to her mind.

"I .." Omkara began with uncertainty. "It's not possible. And it's unnecessary too. Omkara has his cases, hearings and also a long list of waiting clients who want only him to fight their cases." Gauri spoke for him when she sensed uncertainty in his voice. The other stared at her astounded.

"No. I mean I was thinking that I should take a break. It's been a while I haven't." Omkara spoke turning to her. 

"Great then, where would you guys like to go?" Jaanvi asked quickly before the topic became disputable. 

Gauri and Omkaar who had been staring at each other turned to Jaanvi. "Come on tell me. You guys will leave tomorrow, right Shivaay?" Jaanvi turned to Shivaay who nodded. "I need the destination to have the tickets ready."

"But.." Gauri exclaimed dumbfounded at the family's excitement. 

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