Chapter 18 : Random Conversations

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Gauri watched the raindrops as she sipped from her cup of tea. Falling was an unavoidable act. Raindrops fell in monsoon. Leaves fell in autumn and hearts fell in love. As the thought crossed her mind, her gaze immediately drifted sideways to look at Omkara. The two of them stood a little distance away, each by the window's frame sipping tea. He picked up a pakoda and she smiled looking at him. He looked at her from the corner of his eyes to find her smiling at him. His own lips curved slowly into a smile, "It is nice." He finally confessed.He had refused to have the pakodas deeming them as unhealthy and most probably unhygienic. However, the tempting aroma and the sight of Gauri savoring them made him pick one from the newspaper packaging that had been placed on the broad windowsill. When he caught her looking at him when he took the second he had to confess.

"Told you.." She grinned lifting the cup to her lips. Once again a serene silence fell and they simply cherished the orchestra of the rain.

"Has everyone left?" Omkara asked observing the dark clouds. Most of the other assistants usually left by five in the evening. 

"Yes, except Alia. She was preparing the list of candidates, to fill my post when I am gone." She added the latter part, more to remind herself. Why was this so hard? Just the thought of not being able to see him everyday tormented her. How would she actually live like that, without seeing himp? She raised her gaze to find him looking at her, intently. She couldn't read what his eyes held. Of course it wasn't a pain like hers. But, maybe, he would miss her like a friend. Miss the times she brought in breakfast for him. Miss moments such as these - having tea coffee with her. Miss talking about random things in life. Miss teaching her law. Miss arguing with her. She blinked out of her thoughts when he spoke, "she stays close by, right?"

"Yep. In fact she had accompanied me to buy pakodas. She knows this place too well. She has grown up here, her mother has grown up here, and her maternal grandfather was also born here. Their house is a kind of haveli. She has shown me pictures. Hopefully, eid comes soon!" Gauri beamed.

"Wow. You seem to know a lot about her. Has she invited you over?"

"Obviously. We work together, friendship is inevitable. Just like the failing of raindrops is!"

"Well."Omkara looked away from her sipping from his cup.

"What do you mean by that? Did I say something that Mr.Omkara Singh Oberoi would like to disagree upon?" She asked him smilingly. She had very carefully noticed how his lips pressed against the cup as he took a sip. She hadn't intended to gawk like that, but it was inexorable. Damn. From where did this dirty-minded Gauri emerge when he was around? She had no clue.

"Hmm."Omkara sighed looking thoughtful. With a smile threatening to appear across his face. Placing the now empty cup on the window sill, he turned around to look at her. "Of the sort."

Gauri looked interestingly amused. She loved these random debates about the most arbitrary topics. Such as how she was expecting this one to be. "Alright go on." She placed her cup next to his and sat on a little portion of the wide window sill.

"Hey, be careful." He took a step forward.

"Omkara, don't go on my height I am not  a kid." She giggled laughing on her remark. Omkara broke into a chuckle, shaking his head. Crazy woman!

"So to start with, I think professional life and personal life must be kept separate.  There should be a line of demarcation.  I feel if employees are too friendly then work doesn't happen efficiently.  There is a sit-back attitude. Work must be done with rules." He looked at her. 

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