The Last Philosopher - NickfEast

32 2 5

Please remember that even though this may seem harsh, I am only trying to help you improve your writing. And i would like to see you take some of this feedback, and use it because i have put my time and effort into it. Here is your review NickfEast

Title: I think your title suits your story really well so far! But I feel like that starting with a "the last..." is a common story title thing. So if anything just make it more unique. But that is really nitpicking so... There isn't much else I can say about it but good job! 9/10 for the title!

Cover: your cover isn't my favourite I have to say. I feel like you could have made it stand out more, and it doesn't really say much about the story at the moment. It isn't the worst I've seen but it could definitely be better. The font doesn't really suit your story, and I don't like how you've highlighted the subtitle. It doesn't look great. You could definitely have done more with the cover. That being said there are plenty of cover makers out their that would be willing to make a cover for you including me. I could also host a contest for people to make a cover for this! Overall this cover would be a 6/10

Blurb: okay for the most part I really like your blurb. You've used good language techniques to entice the reader. But I was a bit confused at some points and I feel like you could have explained more about what happens in the story that being said, I don't know what you've planned to do. Other than that a 8/10 for the blurb

Plot: your plot was at times confusing. I had to go back and reread some parts to understand it better. I feel like you could have put in a giant plot twist to really hook the readers in. But otherwise its really good. 7/10

Characters: you probably could have given the audience more insight on the characters background. We don't know what you're thinking so you really have to put things into perspective for us. You could have shown us more about the characters personality so we can really connect with them and their feelings. For that a 5/10

Setting: you could have described the places in a little more detail just to paint that vivid image of what the place looks like in the reader's mind. As i said before the readers don't know what you're thinking, you have to show us. But you have got some very interest places! A 7/10 for the setting

Grammar: wow. Just wow. Your grammar was immaculate. But even professional writers have grammatical errors. I spotted a few but really, amazing job! 10/10!

Overall score was 52/70

General feedback: i would recommend putting a pronunciation guide at the start/end of the book. Because at times i was like wow how do you even say this. At points it was a bit boring and i found myself wondering well is something interesting going to happen now or what. You always want to keep your readers wanting more and wondering what will happen next. Also just watch the size of your paragraphs. But apart from that, great job!

Please remember if you have any problems with your review please message me privately. But otherwise great job, I can't wait to see more!!

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