Mirror of Medusa - Evelyn_Myth

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Please remember that even though this may seem harsh, I am only trying to help you improve your writing. And i would like to see you take some of this feedback, and use it because i have put my time and effort into it. Here is your review Evelyn_Myth

Title: there isn't much to say about your title except that i love it! It works with the story really well! 10/10

Cover: I love your cover as well, especially with the mirror and a stone medusa, ot works witht the story well, and the myth that you can only look at medusa in a mirror or something reflective otherwise you’ll turn to stone. I just really love it! 10/10 again!

Blurb: i love that again, but you could use more language techniques like rhetorical questions, high modality words etc. Just to draw the reader in and really compel them into reading your story! 8/10

Plot: your plot is amazing and original as well! I haven't seen any plot/storyline like this before! Sometimes you move to fast or slow for my liking but that's just me personally as I like medium paced books, so that's not really a problem but great job! 8/10

Characters: your characters are really good, though you could use a bit more character development, and it would also be good if you gave the readers more insight on to what the character is thinking and insight on their personality 7/10

Setting: you could describe your settings a bit more, but overall great job with them! It's clear when we have a different setting and im not fliking backwards and forwards confused on where the character is! So great job! 8/10

Grammar: just watch your typos! At one point you wrote “ture” instead of “true” but otherwise as i've said before, I'm not always the best person to ask about grammatical skills so… blah blah blah, you know the rest. but as far as I can see, amazing job with your grammatical skills 9/10

Your overall score was 60/70!! Amazing job!

General feedback: their isn't really much feedback just fix up those tiny things i've told you and you'll be a professional in no time! Just keep writing! You have so much talent and I can't wait to read more when im free!

Please remember if you have any problems with your review please message me privately. But otherwise great job, I can't wait to see more!!

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