Quotes you need to hear - theyyloveelenaa

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Please remember that even though this may seem harsh, I am only trying to help you improve your writing. And i would like to see you take some of this feedback, and use it because i have put my time and effort into it. Here is your review theyyloveelenaa

Title: “quotes you need to hear” it's a pretty simple title that explains what the book is about. But then again, what are all the other books just about quotes going to be named? Probably the same thing. And i searched up “quotes you need to hear” on wattpad and i found like 5 different books with the same title. Yes your book was near the top but, you want a title that stands out, something different than all the rest, so i would advise trying to find a new, unique and memorable title so that your book can get the recognition that you want. I understand it's just a book about quotes which makes it a lot harder to find a title but i’ll have to give you an Overall 4/10

Cover: your cover is pretty good, it stands out with the bright yellow flowers, it has your name and the title of the book on it. I really like how its got the black/white outline of the letters, but im saying that, it just looks like one picture from the internet which you've put amazing looking words on it. I think you should also think about how the title reflects on the book, maybe you could put some quotation marks on it, to make it look more like a quote book, maybe you could put parts of quotes on it, its entirely your choice, but i feel like you could do a lot more with it. Overall 4/10

Blurb: your blurb is straight to the point, and tells the readers exactly what is inside. I understand you can't really do much with a blurb for a book about quotes, but even thiugh im not doing it at the moment, a good way to set it out is dialouge, explain, dialouge. For you it could be quote, what you have, then another quote. I can't really say much about it since again it is a book full of quotes. Overall 7/10

Plot: i can't really talk much about plot here but i can talk about the quotes, i read about the first 20 chapters or so, and i did find the same quote twice at one point, but also, each chapter that you have is one quote. The quote is on a background which we see for nearly every other quote, and since it is literally one quote per chapter i ended up watching like 3 ads (idk if that just happens to me, but sometimes i have to watch an ad) and let me tell you, readers hate being interrupted by ads, maybe put 2 or more quotes per chapter as well, if they're along the same lines, so like maybe you could title the chapter “happiness” and have quotes about being happy so they aren't just randomly ordered and readers know where to find quotes about a certain book or something. I would also suggest changing up the background of the quote every once in a while, otherwise it gets very repetitive and readers become less interested. 4/10

Characters: can't do this, so no score here

Setting: uhhh i cant really do setting… so you won't be getting a score for this as well.

Grammar: okay for quotes, there isn't really much you can do about grammar. Why? Because what if the quotes the person that wrote them is horrible at grammar then that's their problem, and when your typing them up, typo's happen to everybody so i can't really say much about this section… so i won't be giving you a score for here either

Your overall score was 19/40

General feedback: i really like the idea of having a book full of quotes, but i also think it’ll be a good idea to change up the backgrounds and separate the quotes into what their about. But amazing job! It was wonderful reading some quotes that you've chosen!

Please remember if you have any problems with your review please message me privately. But otherwise great job, I can't wait to see more!!

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