Part 51 - Briar: Birth

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Briar POV

Giving birth was always the part I was most anxious about when I found out I was pregnant. The midwife told me that 'the temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed', she was trying to comfort me when she told me this but it only made me more nervous. What if I give up to soon? Not only that, there are around about 275,000 maternal deaths every year. I don't want to be one of them.

I need to stay calm ... but its kind of hard to, especially when you are starting to have contractions. That's right, I am having my baby TODAY and Myles isn't here. 


What am I going to do? I'm in so much pain right now. I need help. I need to be in hospital. I walk over to my phone and call Dylan cause she's the first person I on my contacts list after Myles.

"Hey B, what's up?" Dylan asks all cheery.

"Argh I th-think the babies coming." I explain.

"Really, that's great isn't it, but why are you calling me?" Dylan asks confused.

"Myles has gone to jail to visit Shelby, don't ask why I'll explain later but ... " I start.

"Berkeley and I are coming over now." She says and hung up on me.

Phew, at least that makes me relax slightly. A little while later Dylan and Berkeley show up at my house and they put me in their car and we drive to the hospital. I am taken to the maternity ward and all I can hear is screaming babies, screaming woman giving birth and their family/boyfriend comforting them. Ugh, I wish Myles was here.

3 hours later

After 3 long hours of labour my baby son finally arrives. It was hard, but it was also totally worth it.

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