Oh pneumonia! Pt 3. welcome Home.

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Taehyung was allowed home after a week in the hospital. Still not 100%. But walking around and only sleeping every 4 hours for about an 1 and  half. So I was happy and relieved to see an improvement. His stomach could handle the food he ate now so that was a major plus.

A few days later:

Taehyung was basically back to his old self only tired after one song of dance practice. He still can't sing yet because it hurts too much. We were watching TV when we heard a scream and Jimin raced into the room. He said Hobi injured his foot. Turned out he jumped down three steps and landed scew on his ankle wich caused it to fracture. Hobi was frustrated but not too unhappy. The manager decided to give us all 2 months off after that. We are now happily enjoying our R&R.

Sorry it took so long. I wasn'tgetting any inspiration to write this. Plz give me some requests!

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