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Tae was feeling like hell. He was dizzy and hot and bothered. Suddenly he ran like a bolt of lighting and vomited. Disgusting noises could be heard from the bathroom. Jimin ran to him. "Tae !! How bad is it?" "Pretty bad! I feel dizzy and kinda see spots! The bathroom's not locked!" "I'm coming in!" "Fine but hurry plz!!!"

As soon as Jimin entered he saw Tae teetering back and forth slightly until he fell very far forward. Jimin caught him before he could take a nose dive into the sink or toilet. Tae was unconscious.

"GUYS GET YOUR BUTTS IN HERE !!!! TAE IS EXTREMELY SICK!! HE PASSED OUT!!!" "Coming!!!" Someone shouted. "Get him cleaned and in the bath!!" Yoongi shouted when he got there. "Cold water should work to cool him down. "Where's Jin?" "Sleeping. Now call J-Hope and Namjoon and Jungkook. Explain to them what happened." "Okay. Namjoon, Kookie, Hobiiiiiiii !!!! Help!! Tae is very sick. He passed out!"

"My Tae Tae!!!!" "Tae!" "Hung!!" They all rushed and squished themselves through the door. "Ouch! Guys I'm taller remember. You made me hut my head on the door frame." "Sorry Joon." "Sorry Raphyung." "OK.  Jimin what did Yoongi hyung instruct?" "Cool Tae down in the bath. Then we get him on the couch. But first bring me a thermometer?" "Jungkook ran out to get one.


Jin woke up feeling worse than when he slept. He went to the bathroom and vomited. "Hyung? You okay?" "Yes Yoongi, I'm Fine." "Please come down and help us. Tae is sick and passed out. The others are scares and worried." "Be down in a minute." He sighed. 'Hide your sickness from them until Tae wakes up. He'll know something's wrong. He always does.

Then he went down stairs slowly. "Hyung! YOUR AWAKE GREAT!!! PLEASE MEASURE TAE'S TEMPERATURE!!!" "Jimin don't shout I have a migraine." "Sorry hyung." "I know your worried but it's probably not that bad." "AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" J-Hope screamed. Jin fell down the stairs and held his head. "Hobi shut up!" "Tae's fever is 40.4 degrees Celsius!!!" "Get him in the car and get him to the hospital now!! I'm coming with you." "We're all going!" Yoongi chipped in.

20 minutes later
"Kim Seokjin?" "Here hyung." "Taehyung ' flu dehydrated him badly so right now he is on a drip." "Okay hyung. Thank you."

"Come on guys we're visiting him." They entered the room and saw Tae was still asleep with a drip in his arm." "Hyung? What's wrong with him? Why is he so sick?" "Yeaaaaahhh?!?!?!!!" "He has the flu. He was dehydrated. Now no more questions." "No hyung. You don't understand. Why was he so exhausted that he caught the flu."
"HOW SHOULD I KNOW. I DON'T WATCH HIS EVERY MOVE. MOST OF THEM YES. BUT NOT EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!!" With that Jin cried because of the nausea and pain and tiredness hitting him all at once. Then he passed out but Namjoon caught him.

"You lot are such idiots." "Ah!" "Tae your awake!" "Doesn't matter now. Get a doctor in here. Jin was asleep earlier because he felt worse than me. I noticed it because he was rubbing hid forehead constantly and also rubbing his temples. He told me about having a migraine and going to try to sleep it off a bit. I knew something was off because I was sick. And ghe two of us get sick the quickest. Now get the doctor in here."

5 minutes later
"He just needs some R&R. Then they'll be fine. They'll share a room for the night." "Hyung? May I move to my hyung's bed? We generally get better quicker if we cuddle." "Sure."

Few days later.

"Yoongi hyunnnnggg!!!! I'm gonna throw up!" Jimin and Tae shouted. "Can't help you right now! I feel the same!" "Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!" Could be heard through the dorm. "SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!!"  Yoongi screamed. "Ouch. My throat. Namjoon get me some honey lemon tea with ginger cookies!" "Yes hyung."

Yoongi and Jimin cuddled with Tae and Jin. Order: Yoongi. Jimin. Tae. Jin.
"Thanks Namjoon. Your amazing. Well I need to look after you since I'm not our best singer or dancer. Those two must stay healthy at least so the fans have something short but cool to look forward too. We are not pushing their limits to the extremes." "Good. Now go before you get sick." "Yes Jin hyung."

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