Washer disaster pt2 of Namjoon and glass don't mix)

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It's been 2 weeks since Namjoon hurt his hand and got the stitches. They were going to be removed today. He couldn't wait!! It meant he could write music and use his hand again. He was doing his chore of washing clothes( wearing a thick rubber glove on his hand closed on the other end with an elastic *). It was ok to do the job but the soap box was hard to hold and the knobs were clumsy to work with.

Today was just not his day. The pain killers made him drowsy and he did not notice the amount of soap he put in or the water level he set on the machine.

Two hours later. BANG!! "What the heck was that?" Yoongi asked. "I'll go see." Answered Jimin. He left to check in the garage to see what was up. Unfortunately he slipped on a wet soapy surface and fell on his side. He noticed it was something hard and felt around to try and figure out what it was. Ohhhh nooo. It was the heavy duty toolbox with the sharp edges. He then noticed some red water around him. He was bleeding!!! "Heeeeeeelllpppp!!!!" "Jimin!!!" "Open the garage entrances!!!!!" There's water everywhere!!!" "Are you okay?!" "No I fell on the toolbox and I'm bleeding!!!" "The ambulance is five minutes away!" "Yoongi, I feel sick." "Your in shock. And losing blood."

At the hospital.

"He will be fine. Just seven stitches on his bruised rib. He's lucky it didn't break through his skin." "Thanx Doc." "He's a little high right now. Namjoon may I see your hand? The cut looks neat and the stitches were removed nicely I see. You may go see him now."
"Kookie. Tata. Hophop. Genie. Junie. Yoonie! You came!! Look at the scar! It's soo cool!!" "Oh my sweetheart. You really look like you went through a lot." Said Jin. "I'm sleepy. Junie snuggle with me?" "Sure Chim."

When Jimin was asleep the rest spoke. "I'm sorry this happened guys. The pain killers made me drowsy and forgetful." "It's ok Joon. It's all our faults for not paying attention to you." Tae said.

And with that they all slept happily.

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