Hobi Can't swim. pt2

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"Hobiiiiiiii !!!!!" A terrified Namjoon screamed.
"I'm coming to getcha Hobi!" Jin shouted.

Hobi landed in the pool and tried to swim. But his head space got younger!!! He was 1 years old at the moment.
Jin jumped into the pool a bit too fast and knocked his shoulder and head on the side of it. "Get Jungkoooook!!!"

"Great we have another person getting close to drowning!" NamJ said. Yoongi had already ran to get Jk and Tae as he called them.

Jin managed to get Hobi out of the pool but no else noticed that their tiny angle actually had a lot of injuries from his harsh landing in the pool.
Hobi had belly flopped into the pool. Unknown to anyone else he was actually very underweight. So with next to no fat on his body he had broken his ribs from landing on the pavement and then his momentum made him go into the air and belly flop. He cried his eyes out. Taehyung was focusing on Hobi now. "Baby where does it hurt?" Hobi pointed to his chest,tummy and both his sides crying. "Kookie how is Jin doing?!?!" "He passed out from exhaustion but said he seriously injured his shoulder.  I'm calling an ambulance!!!"

At the hospital

"They'll be fine. J-Hope has 2 cracked and 2 broken ribs which should heal with a month or so to rest and some cuts and bruises and a broken wrist. We will do checkup on him every few weeks since he is a performer and dancer. This is just so we know when he is cleared to perform again. Jin has a concussion and dislocated shoulder so he will be off of performing for at least 6 weeks so that his ears won't ring or be in pain from the equipment and to help with his headaches and help him with some other symptoms." "thank you doctor!!" they all said.

 "Oh, and boys. J-Hope is very underweight so try and get him to gain enough of it. With his low fat percentage he will get injured more easily. That counts for all of you. You need fat to protect your organs and body from bumps and falls, since fat is a shock absorber. Also eat enough carbs and protein. Carbs are your main energy source and protein assists in helping your body to heal. Please just take all the food and vitamins and minerals you need. Sinc is also important because if you don't get enough of it in it starts to affect your taste, and without your taste you lose your appetite." "Yes doctor we will take better care of ourselves, we promise we will try to stay as healthy as possible." Namjoon said.

in Jin and J-Hope's room

" Hi guys!!!" J-Hope and Jin said. "Well I see you guys are awake." Yoongi whispered. "You don't need to whisper I am okay with normal volume sounds and voices." "okay. sooo... Hope. Why are you so skinny? What made you think you have to be so thin. Look at you!!! You have no colour in your face because you aren't eating as you should. Is this why you were in little space so often?" "Yeah, it is. I just practice dancing a ton and for me to can manage most of the dance moves I need to be light, so that I don't hurt you guys. So I have been eating less, practicing more and working out a lot. I got like 4 hours of sleep each night doing it so I thought it was fine. I guess not, huh..." "Thank you for telling us J-Hope. We have become a lot stronger physically- all of us, we can handle your weight. Now you just need to build up what got broken. And we will help." "Thanks guys" "Group huuuuuggg!!!" Namjoon and Jin just chuckeled while they watched the cute scene.

A few minutes later.

Jin, Namjoon and Jungkook shared Jin's hospital bed and the extra bed on Jin's side of the room. "Wake up!! Wake up!! YYYAAAHHHHHH!!!!Good morning!!" they groaned. Namjoon turn the dumb thing off!! It hurts my ears!!" Namjoon grabbed his phone and saw that the manager was calling him. "It's the manager I'm going out quickly be right back. "Hi Namjoon. I know you all must be sleeping now, but just wanted to say that ARMYS want to letcha know that they all send get well messages. We said that there was a swimming pool accident and that you all will have 2 months off to rest and heal. Also that Jin and J-Hope won't be performing in the usual way but rather that they will be using the chair and just be watching everything when you guys perform your solos. So thats the update for you ok?" "okay thanx a ton Hyung!" "Guys!!! We got two months off and after that Hobi and Jin hyung will be on chair duty unfortunately. Unless you are deemed clear.

"Okay... Thanx" Yoongi and J-Hope went back to sleeping in J-Hopes bed while the 95liners  cuddled to go to sleep on the extra bed. "Jungkook you better keep your clothes on if you sleep in our room!!!" Jin and all of them shouted. "I'll try." "Not try. you willll!" "Night hyungs." "Night Kookie."

thats it folks. plz also comment in my hybrid book about requests!!! I have writers block when it comes to that book. And I need it fixed because so many people read it!

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