Yoongi's Semi de je vou PT1

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( I beg u guys to plz correct me if I spelled de je vou wrong)

"Yoongiiiiiiiiiii  !!! WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!!" Y/N shouted. He wanted to curse so badly but restrained himself- Barely. None of them had a clue he had come home 2 hours ago and worked from when he woke up the previous day till 4am this morning.

 He wasn't feeling 100% either, and not just from the sleep. He had developed a cold 3 days ago that lingered in his chest. So technically he shouldn't be over exerting  himself since it wasn't good for his heart, breathing, or blood pressure actually ( true fact). But he didn't want the producers or staff to think of him as a wimp. The others 7 plus Y/N also new what to not do when you are a famous K-pop Idol since Jimin and Jungkook have tried doing it on two different ocasions and ended up in the hospital because of dehydration, exhaustion, difficulty breathing and low blood pressure. 

Yoongi checked himself in the mirror. Yep still the same pale skin tone, not even a bit paler. He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. " Guys, I've had a chest cold for the last 3-4 days. But we have a concert tonight!" "Aigoo! That's a problem. Good news is we have dance practice on our own, no choreographer or staff today. Do you know the dance well?" Hoseok asked. "Yep. Almost as well as Tae I think." "Good, so take it easier on yourself and take a break after we worked a song's dance sequence through." "Ok."

Dance practice went well. they danced for about 3 hours taking breaks every so now and then. Yoongi took them often as to not strain himself too much. The rest of the day was spent on  practising the concert on the stage. Yoongi made sure to try and hide himself as much as possible from the camera. Army's are smart enough to know when something was wrong with a member. Especially if it is their bias. 

Finally it was time for the most gruelling part of the day- or should we say night?Yoongi was feeling slightly out of breath after dancing DNA. It became worse after surprising fans with mic Drop. 

Then- they were in the middle? Was it the middle of Idol? Yoongi wasn't sure but he remembers faintly that they jumped and twisted in the air when he saw spot coming into his vision and he fell right onto the shoulder he had previously broken when he was in a car crash. He screamed as the pain sent old and terrible nightmares back into his mind. "Yoongi ! Yoongi ! Listen to me bubba, your gonna be ok. Ssshhhh. Breathe, breathe. The medics are taking you off the stage carefully ok? Their gonna fix your shoulder. You'll probably need surgery to fix the new and old damage to your shoulder. Then you won't have so much shoulder pain or problems anymore." Y/N soothed him. He hiccuped and gave a small nod to let her know he heard her.

After Yoongi's surgery

"He will be fine. We just corrected some of his muscles and nerves and obviously the bone. He'll need a sling for about 3 and a half months? I'm estimating. But his shoulder will take quite some time and he can't use it until it's fully healed." "Ohhh, he is gonna hate that." Namjoon said. Everyone agreed. " He'll share a bed with me and Jin sleeping on either side of him so he won't fall off. And this will force him to relax since he can't do much for the next few months. Namjoon, your breaking the news to him. Your the band leader, it's your job." Y/N said. Namjoon groaned. " hey at least you have an entire day to figure out how to say it. He's drugged up as high as nearly a tenth of our Army's at least." Jimin said.


'where am I? man the beeping is annoying! Oh that's right- the hospital. I broke my shoulder on stage Live in front of our fans.'

" Hey Yoongs Oppa. How are you?" " flineph oo?" " I see your still as high as the planets you guys used in some of your MVs." " Evry thnd is sounding like chickens. You know I dreamed of All the members as animals whlee passed euot?" " Ahhh that would explain why you were purring in your sleep." " I love oo Y/N!!!" "Ssshhh!!! The others fell asleep. I couln't sleep until you woke up in case you woke up from a nightmare or affraid or whatever. You see I loved you the moment I saw how you scare people when you wake up. But didn't do it to me. I love your energy and when you work to write a new song. Your passion and hardwork and helpfulness to the maknaes when they write song and ask for it is so sweet. Your stage name suits you. My dear Suga Cute(cube).


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