Appendicitis pt 4

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Namjoon woke up alone. He was freezing. 'Stupid air conditioning!' He slowly got into his wheelchair and opens the door. Just a few feet away Jimin stood. "Hi Namjoon hyung, I was about to wake you up. The manager said we'd be going to an aquarium for Run BTS. Said he hoped you'd feel better then. He also said you'd be able to meet some of the animals, along with a partner!" "Really?! Omw! How about you and I be partners. I know ARMY would find it cute to see the cutest member with the cute animals." "Really hyung?! I am honored that you chose me!" "Shouldn't we be leaving yet? I wanna get there as fast as possible." "Oh yeah! Well we're about 3 minutes late already."
"Jimin, why are you making us both Jimin today?" "I got caught up by the other two pouncing on me. They were excited too." "Okay. Well open the door and push me down the hallway already!" "Yes Captain Namjoon hyung!" Jimin jogged Namjoon in his wheelchair down the hall to the elevator."

"Finally! Jimin, did I not tell you to not Jimin today!" Said Jin "Ease up hyung. We got distracted. And please
I beg you! Do NOT AND I repeat Do NOT eat fish at the aquarium!"
"That sounds exactly like something Jin hyung would do for a sick joke!" Commented Jk. "Yah! I do what I want!" (Please tell me y'all got the reference).

"Guys, you all know I get sick from traveling too much too soon. So enough talk about seafood!" Complained Hobi.

At the aquarium.

"Hi my name is Sakura, and this is my friend Tess. We will be your guides today. Tess is a marine biologist specialising in marine mammals so she will be guiding Namjoon and Jimin. I am a tour guide slash trainee. I work under Tess' guide normally." "Alright Namjoon and Jimin, let's meet the seals first." Said Tess

She guided them to the show seals.

"Meet Cecilia and Oliver. They are part of a breeding program. The program is designed to help the seal pups into the ocean once they are weaned from Cecilia. The pups get minimal amounts of attention form people.
When they are old enough we start feeding them live fish. As you can see, Cecilia is guarding two pups.
They are  months 4 old.
The small female had to be hand raised the first month of her life, since seals don't normally have twins.
Harbour seals only nurse for about a month by then their teeth have set in and they can start to eat fish.
Of course we fed her fish, which we would hang low enough for her to eat without human contact. When she was ready to join the family, she was accepted and now Cecilia protects her.
Neither of the seals have a name yet. Would you like to name them?"
The boys were shocked with being honored to give a name. A name is a powerful tool. "We would love to, Tess where were you born?" "My parents were both SEALS, my mom retired after giving birth to me. They were both American so decided to give me an American name, Tess. I was born in Hawaii." "Okay, Jimin. I don't know about you but I think we have names?" "Yup. The girl should be Moana." "The male can be Kaito. Which is Japanese, like your friend Sakura. It means to soar across the ocean. We thought we would name them after each of your heritage. Kai is a good nickname for him, since Americans like that name a lot."

"Thank you. Oliver, Oliver where are you? Ah here he comes. Come on Namjoon. Come meet him. Jimin you too. Just hold your hand as if you want to touch his cheek." "Ooh! He's so smooth!" "And moist!" "I think he likes Jimin a lot. So now we will see the dolphins."

At the dolphins.
"Meet Blue and Wave. Unfortunately they were rescued from a circus and therefore could never be released into the wild. Both are young, male, Bottlenose dolphins." She calls them closer with her whistle. They respond and get closer. "Give them a hand signal. Bring your hands out in front of you." The dolphins immediately press their rostrum(mouth/beak area) to the boys' palms. "Blue really seems to like Namjoon a lot. Look at him, he wants you to rub him on his head! He doesn't normally want it on his own."

Next were Otters. Then it was the anemones, seahorses and Octopy.

"So for the last thing I wanted to save three of the best personal fave tanks for Namjoon. The reef tank, the crab pools and the Sting Ray tank.

Namjoon clapped his hands excitedly.

"You can put your hand in the tank, after it was sanitized. The fish will rub against your hands." "Oooohhh!! The fish feel weird and almost slimy smoothe." Jimin squealed.

Next it was the Sting Rays. The boys stayed outside the tank while the trainer stayed in the pool/tank.

"This is Captain America. He is a Spotted Eagle Ray. In the western Atlantic ocean they are found near the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, North Carolina and Florida. So since he had the name Eagle in it, has the blue-black colour scheme and is found near America, we named him after a fictional hero.
Behind him you will see two others. Bucky and Fury. They are all brothers from the same parents. Bring Captain and Bucky please! You can give them a kiss on the head if you like." "They're gorgeous!!" "They are epic!"

After a while they went to the crab rock pools. "Here you are. Meet our crustacean friends. There are: Chesapeake blue crabs. The brown crabs, or as I like to call them Cancer pagurus. We have two Red King crabs. We have the horse shoe crabs. Three snow crabs. A bunch of pea crabs, hermit crabs of different types."

"They're so cute!!!" "You can lift them up, but keep them in the water so they don't get hurt. And beware. They pinch."

After an hour of playing with the crabs they went home. Namjoon and Jimin fell asleep in the car. It was a good thing because later they would have a interview and concert.

Okay I will be a short while before posting again. Namjoon stand prepare to hold yourselfs back because the next chapter will make you guys angry.

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