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Namjoon has been feeling out of sorts for the last the last day. He had constant stomach pain, nausea, mild fever and loss of appetite. He was pretty sure it was the flu, but he will survive. He had been in his studio creating a song for the last 2 days. He had been eating coffee, ramen and chicken strips. He just finished his song and decided to go home.

Just as he got through the door he had an immense pain that caused him to fall over."Namjoon! What happen!?" Yoongi shouted. When he got to Namjoon to pick him up, he touched his right stomach-hip area. Namjoon screamed and nearly passed out.

"Jin hyung!!" Jin and the rest ran like a group of wild horses in an arena to the frantic boy. "What, happens?!" Jungkook asked. Namjoon fell, when I picked him up by his right hip I sorta touched his stomach-colon area and he screamed.Huyng, I think it's appendicitis." "I'll call a hospital and have a doctor ready to test him. But we have a problem, we leave for America tomorrow. We will be without our leader." "If you all don't mind, I'll take Namjoon's responsibilities until he is available." Hobi said." "YES!" Bangtan shouted in unison. "Okay, the ambulance is on it's way, manager knows the situation and will sort it out with the hospital about Namjoon's release time, the logistics of moving him to America and other stuff. They agree with Hope being the leader for the time being." Jin said. Through all of this Namjoon had been quiet, trying to keep his dinner down.

5 minutes later
"Unfortunately he does have appendicitis, and it will rupture within the next 24 hours. We need to remove it, so to not take a chance that he can get it again. His case is not as serious as Yoongi's though, seeing as his is not say... an hour away from rupturing. This probably means he will be released within two days of special care. No heavy food, only soft food and keeping him still so he will not tear his stitches. Now if you need to leave to pack I think now is a good time. The surgery will take maybe two or three hours or less." "Thank you doctor." "My staff will let you know when he is out of surgery." The boys just smiled.

At the Bangtan house.
Only Jin and Yoongi were packing. Hope and the maknaes were finished.  Jk, Tae and Hobi paced in the Sunshine room. "If you all don't stop your pacing I will throw up on you. You guys are making me dizzy" Jimin said. "Sorry guys but I'm gonna pack Raphyung's stuff as much as I can, you two are making my nervousness worse." Said Tae. The other two nodded.

After Tae left: "Hyung if you are afraid of taking the leadership role it's fine. We get it. Kookie, I know you have an immensely strong bond with Namjoon and he's your idol and brother, but he will survive."
"THE DOCTOR CALLED!! SHE SAID HE CAME OUT OF SURGERY JUST FINE AND WE CAN SEE HIM!!" Jin shouted. "Coming!" The whole Bangtan shouted. A herd of Elephants could be heard down the halls of the home.

"The op went great. He will be here for two days to let his skin begin attaching and healing in a controlled environment. He will hate being cooped up in a wheel chair and being helpless. This I know because he is a leader and often works on his own in his studio." The doctor said. "Thank you doctor. Manager said we will leave tomorrow night late so we can avoid a lot of people. And still visit Joon before we leave." "That's great news! He is still asleep though so you can see him quickly and see if he wakes up." "Thank you doctor!" And with that they move in sync like a ducklings behind Jin.

"He looks so much more relaxed and pain free." Namjoon woke up to the group whispering. He opened his eyes drowsy, smiled and waved, before going back to sleep.
The others smiled and took that as their cue to leave.

Part 2 will be up soon! Maybe today or not I will see where life and school work takes me. Byeee!

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