Why I hate hights!

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"Jin You my friend are insane yet brave. You- mister scared of anything and everything- want to bungee jump!" Namjoon said. "Yeah. I could never do that!" Y/n  said. "Truthfully I am a bit nervous or scared. I can't tell wich one." "The important thing is you are doing it." She told him. "Break a leg!" Namjoon said. "Namjoon with your bad luck you never say anything like that to anyone!" (Punches him). "Ouch! Ok sorry!"

Little did they know Namjoon's bad luck would rub off on Jin.

10 minutes later

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Ah ah aaaaahhhh!" Jin heard himself scream. Then the same when he was swung back onto the platform. But then suddenly he heard and felt a huge bang noise when he landed then fell to the floor."Aaahhhhh! It hurts! My leg hurts!"

Namjoon runs to him but pukes ate the sight of Jin's leg. The bone broke through the skin and was bleeding. The femur had broken through the skin and was bleeding severely. "Y/n!!!!!!!! Help please! Heeeeeeelllllpppp!!! Jin's femur broke the skin!" "I'm coming!!! Make sure he doesn't pass out and stop the bleeding!" "I can't! I feel I'm gonna pass out if I get near him!" "Get your head on straight and do it! Try to get over it!" "Ah! He passed out!" "Shoot! Has anyone called an ambulance?!" "Yeah PTA is 5 minutes!"

5 minutes later

"He is up there! On the bungee platform!"

10 minutes later

"Jin! You'll be ok!" "Weeeee! woo wee woo wee woo!" "Sorry mam we put him on some strong painkillers for the transporting." "That's ok. It's great actually. Thanx for getting here so quick." "That's our duty mam. Oh your other friend fainted a while ago. He's awake now but a bit shaky. He told us you forced him to try and handle something he really couldn't. What was it?" "I'm guessing it was Jin's blood. He doesn't like seeing his friends in pain or seeing blood I guess. I'll go apologise to him now. Thanx for telling me." "Hey." "Namjoon! I'm so sorry I forced that on you! I was just freaked out about what happend to him. You know I've crushed on him for like forever but that's no excuse. Come let's get you in the backseats. You can lay down in the back."

10 minutes later

The other five came rushing down the hallway as quietly as possible. "He's in surgery. J-Hope please put Namjoon's head in your lap. He's getting kinda heavy and I've had the worst urge to pace up and down." Hoseok took your place as soon as you lifted Namjoon's head.

2 hours later

"He'll be fine. Three months in a soft bandage for his stitches and keeping his leg in a cast around his ankle so he can't move it easily and one month off his leg and he'll be 100% again." The doctor said.

"Ok. Thanx hyung" Yoongi said.

"Hey guys." Everyone jumped at the whisper. "I thought you'd still be asleep?
" Dunno why but I woke up after I heard Yoongi speak. Y/n I suppose was a bit bossy and edgy because she was nervous and scared?" " how'd you know?" She asked "Namjoon's paleness and blood smeared Jacket was the give away." "Gah!" Namjoon threw the jacket away as if it was a poisoness snake.

 "Namjoon, I hope you won't suffer from what happend, ok? And please tell me if you have any problems because of it or anything else. As for you Y/n, I know you were really scared. You have become like a mother to us, well a sister that acts like a mom to me and Yoongi. And that's what made me fall in love with you. You have helped raise so many burdens off my shoulder like helping or taking turns with cooking or forcing everyone to stay healthy, even forcing me to practice less because we feel like we can honestly trust you. Your not just saying we're great because you must, but because you believe it." "The 2 o'clock curfew was a good idea actually because we don't always keep an eye on the time actually." Junkook interrupted. 

" Jin the moments I see you being a great big brother to the boys are the times I love you best. The times you appreciate food, the times you say the sweetest things about the boys in the interviews. Everything about you, your energy, humor, caring nature, being boyish... It makes me fall in love with you more." 

" Y/n... I love you. wanna go out on a date some time?" "Yes"

" I appreciate the direction you chose with this Jin. I think we all appreciate the fact that you didn't jump on the GF horse yet." Tae said. the others nod

" Your welcome Tae."

Guys she is Namjoon's age in this fic so it's not weird age gaps. Byee!

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