(18) In my eyes...

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In my mind this is the cringiest and most cheesy thing I've ever done... if you ever read this just keep in mind it's all true feelings...

In my words this is a peace of art... words aren't enough to express everything fully but that's why there are metaphors here and there...

In my eyes... in my eyes you are... Perfect... your smile... your eyes... your hair (even with the weird color you painted on it)... I think everything of you is more than perfect... if you are "ugly" crying you still look handsome... if you make an "ugly" face you still look good... even if you don't believe it I think you look very good... really good... AMAZING!

If I could tell you that then... I don't know... maybe I'll just freak out... or maybe be happy? Maybe I'd just move all the way to the other end of the world...

But most surely I wouldn't change my point of view... you are and will be a very handsome person to my eyes.

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