(60) Realized...

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I've recently come to notice that... you might have just been another pretty thing of life that has to come to an end... to be honest I might be wrong but... as far as it seems...

You were a beautiful part of my childhood that has to change...

I went through this "realization" when I noticed that you had been accepted to ***** high school... you know...? I never realized that life could part so much when being only a year apart for a person and now I'm slightly glad we didn't decide to be something since way before... I mean I know that there are couples that know really well how and can handle things like this well... but (not saying I can't) just saying that this way I might be able to go through my own generations prom: but yet again... you could invite me this year and I could do the same next to you...

I don't know where I want to get with all of this but...

I guess it's ok now how you feel towards someone as well as I do to someone else... and by that I mean... that now I don't feel much when I know about someone with you... and now I feel myself getting further away from you, in a good way... but further.

So for now... until I know more about my feelings and you... I'll say... farewell my longest crush...

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