(27) Sorry... I just...

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I guess I'm sorry about many things aren't I?

Today I had the daydream of finally telling you how I felt for you but, when I wanted to say it you were besides someone else... it is a girl I know... a girl you know.
I can't help it I felt sad but smiled through it.

That was my daydream...

I'm currently hearing 4 o'clock by BTS... jaja... I'm sorry for that too o guess... what I mean is,
I'm sorry for making all songs about you...
I'm sorry for maybe making you feel uncomfortable... specially when I said I liked you... or when Fa- the girl from your generation started talking to me as if it was you...
I'm sorry you had to explain who was who and that you had to worry about me...
I'm sorry for being that obstacle.

Recently I've been hearing many rumors... rumors I don't want to mention to you... not because they are bad but because... I would feel like a stalker for knowing them... and because... they hurt, and as selfish as it sounds... I don't want to know the truth...

I guess I'm sorry for that too,
Being selfish...
its not like I can stop it so... I just keep it to myself... that way... it makes it less humiliating... and maybe less awkward...

I'm sorry that I still feel this small lump on my throat... as if tears where coming... but... nothing's there... I don't know how to make it or look like... I don't know... just make it look like...
like the best version of me every time we're together since... I don't know when you are leaving... where you are leaving... and maybe with whom...

I won't follow you to the same college... I'll try not to get in your way...
I just hope that either way I'm still somewhere in your memory...
In your thoughts...

Lastly... im sorry that I don't truly mean this but I hope it works:

Dear... lov-cru-Friend,
I hope that you are feeling happy. I am happy for you... I hope that college is great and that you actually feel loved by whom you're with. I hope you love them equally.

Best wishes,
Your long time one-sided.

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