(21) Would you... be jealous... for me?

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I can look up its definition and never fully understand its meaning... its power... I don't know if jealousy comes from innocence or just being selfish? Would it be ok to make you jealous? Or would you even get a little jealous by me being around a guy? Would you be jealous if I told you I liked BTS? Would you try to impress me so I stop admiring other men that isn't you... more specifically seven good looking guys?

I'm sort of laughing at the thought of that in all honesty but... now... now I would want to know... would you...?

Can someone be jealous without being selfish?

If not then... I would consider myself being overly selfish over you... it's not like I would ever tell you that I am in fact jealous... and I would never go crazy stalker on you for being jealous I would just keep closer to you... I would feel happy, sad, and worried for you...

Id be happy if I knew you and a friend (girl) won something... I'd be sad if I knew you liked someone... but... I'd also be worried if I knew you are hurt...

If you are heart broken there's not much I can really do... but...

I'll try to make your days better... ill try to bring you out of those thoughts... I'll try for you to show that beautiful smile that always brings butterflies to my stomach... and the warmest sunsets to everyday... so cheesy... but believe me... I'd give anything to see you smile... specially if it was a smile dedicated to me...

Is that too selfish to say?

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