Chapter 2

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Chapter 2- The Rules


Charlotte’s P.O.V.


My faced was bombarded with makeup, Jane really did out do herself. But she did say ‘you have to wear a lot of make-up. Its your first impression to all the viewers, you gotta look smokin’ hot!’. I always thought less is more.


The walls were thin so I could hear Morgan’s interview, it was also being viewed on a flat screen above me. She was of course nervous, but you couldn’t tell just by looking at her. Before she was jumping up and down talking to herself.


Other contestants were sitting on a red couch, they were the ones already interviewed, then the host sat in his own red chair, facing another chair, which indeed is the seat Morgan is sitting in.


“Have you ever done anything like this before?” The host jams the microphone up to Morgan’s red lips.


“No, it was actually my little brother who suggested I should go on this show.”


“Oh, Okay.” The host nodded his head up and down, who was not so interested.“This is one question a viewer sent in that they would just love to know, are you a virgin, Morgan?”


Morgan began to laugh, it was obvious she was taken aback. “Are you fucking kidding me? Isn’t that a little personal? Why would anyone want to know that?”


The crew members backstage dropped what they were doing, Morgan was making a scene, everyone here could hear her. She wasn’t making a good first impression.


“So I take it as your not a virgin.” The host looks at the camera and laughs.


Morgan took the microphone out of the host’s hand, opening her mouth to speak. But then a male contestant got up from his seat taking the microphone from her hand. “Jeff, I think you should stop giving her a hard time, if she doesn’t want to answer it, she doesn’t have to.” He dropped the microphone in Jeff’s lap and sat back in his seat as if nothing happened. His hair was big and fluffy and bounced everytime he moved. The lights simmered on his tan skin.


Jeff was shocked, but recovered quickly. “Well I’m sorry Oscar.” Jeff made a fish-like face and moved his mouth up and down rapidly, mocking this Oscar guy.


“Don’t be such a dick to him, just because he defended me.” Morgan said to Jeff, and then to Oscar, “Oh and thanks for defending me by the way.” She said shyly. Morgan definitely likes Oscar.  He slightly nodded to Morgan as a ‘your welcome’.


“Well okay then. Next we’re going to be interviewing another contestant, find out who it is, after the commercial break.” Jeff said, giving the camera one big smile, showing off his artificially white and dazzling teeth before going to commercial break.


Morgan takes the farthest seat away from Jeff on the couch. The four girls all glared at Morgan. Morgan was innocent, someone that’s just trying to defend herself, something neither of the four girl could have done on live television.

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