Chapter 10

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Chapter 10-Bartender

Charlottes's POV

It's been months and nothing has really happened besides Summer turning into Fall and Fall turning into Winter. We all walk around wrapped in blankets, or someone to cuddle up with. All because of the heating systems that didn't work--at all.

Oscar and Janet (the first out of the four blondes) are always wrapped up in each other. It's kinda gross watching them. We all want them to break up.

The cold was so unbearable that I kept tossing and turning. I decided to get up and go to the kitchen and make a little snacky snack.

Then I hear someone singing while I was tip-toeing out of the living room. Wow they had an amazing voice. I peeked my head intoo the kitchen. It was Felix.

"You got an amazing voice." I finally said.

"Oh thanks. I didn't know anyone was in here." His cheeks turned red and I could tell he tried not to stutter. He quickly changed the subject. "So do you want a drink or anything?"

"Sure." I sat at the table watching Felix do his thing. Before I could think of what I was saying, I spoke to fill the silence. "Felix, do you know what your doing?"

"I probably know more than you." He joked, mixing up some drinks while I sat there watching him. 

I watched him, as he bent over and looking everywhere for somewhere to put it in. I realized at that moment I was looking at his butt. I couldn't help myself. After a while he was still looking for glasses and I felt a little bad just sitting there watching him struggle. "They're up there." I finally said.

"So tell me how you like it." He said while handing me the drink.

I took a little sip. "Oh it's really good." I was taken by surprise how well the drink it was.

After 3 drinks I finally stopped myself. They were really good it was hard to stop. We then headed to the couch and talked about ourselves for a bit. I even told him about my ex boyfriend.

"My ex boyfriend I had a while back...My parent loved him they thought he was the perfect guy for me. He was all proper like my parents that's why I think they liked him, but me I Use to like him when we were fourteen, but now we're just two completely diff rent people wanted completely different things.

They thought he was so perfect but he wasn't. He was really mean and hated all the decisions I made for myself, even if I decided to go the the movies alone on a Saturday night or even ordering a big hamburger instead of the salad. And he didn't like being wrong or when I stood up for myself we'd fight and he'd apologize. And thought that his apologies made everything okay again."

I looked up at Felix. He looked like he wanted to say something, so I waited.

"Why did you stay with him for so long?"

"Because my's complicated."

"I have time. Tell me." He looked down at my hand and gave it a friendly squeeze.

"My parents are friends with his parents, and my parents wanted his parents' successful business instead of being a co-owner. I don't know how exactly me dating their friends' son is going to make them the owner of their business, but that's why I'm stayed with him. It wasn't until I was old enough to live that I left and began to control my own life."

"So how did you guys breakup if your parents liked him so much?" Felix asked.

"I just told him I'm breaking up with him and packed all my things and left."

"Did your parents even care that you left."

"Well they don't know where I'm at but I think they care because I'm an only child but I've always wanted a brother or sister."

"Wow aren't you a rebel. I've would of never picture you doing that you seem all proper and-"

"Don't even try to finish your sentence. My whole life everybody has always thought of me like that because my parents raised me to be that way."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you or anything."

"No it's fine I'm just nothing like my parents and it pisses me off because people always compare me to them and I just hate it."

I looked at Felix and he smiled then I found myself smiling. Felix moved closer to me and I moved closer to Felix. I knew what we were going to do. We were going to kiss. Slower and slower we moved towards each other and we  both closed our eyes-

"Hey, guys what are you doing?"

A/N: We know, how long you've all been waiting for the next chaopter and we are so sorry that it took so long. We've been busy because Christmas is coming and and before that it was Thanksgiving. 

Also thank you to all ya for getting us to 1k read. we really caan't believe it and wanted to thank all of you who read our stories it honestly means so much to us.

Locked in a Cabin for Love (The Fooo fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant