Chapter 11

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Chapter 11-Oscar is Single Again!

Morgan's POV

There were days were I didn't want to get out of bed. I mean after I heard about Oscar and whatever her name is, they've been dating for a whole Month now.  I guess I really do like him. Constantly OG, Charlotte, and Omar would come in my room and try to cheer me up, sometimes it didn't work or only lasted a couple of minutes.

Right now I was sitting in my bed while Stephanie listened to me reading a book. It was some shitty remake of a Cinderella story. But before I was half way through the book there was a knock on my, or should I say our door.

I thought that was strange, everybody knows they don't need to knock on my door. I finally said, "Come in."

Then Oscar's head appeared in the doorway. 

When I seen him I wanted to hide. I was thinking, shit!, but instead said, "You know you don't have to knock on the door , right? Everybody knows that...Well I guess not everybody." Then I did this stupid laughed I always do when I nervous because how much of a fucking bitch did I just sound like right now?

"Well I didn't know if you were getting dressed or something and I didn't just want to walk in and-"

"Oh, okay." I said looking down at Stephanie, who was walking around in my bed.

"I just wanted to ask you something. I know it's no really any of my business but Is there something wrong? Are you depressed?" He ran his fingers through his hair and I noticed that his hands were shaking. Then I realized that I should have responded. "Because you've basically locked yourself in your room for a whole month not talking to anyone."

"Oscar you don't know what I going through right now. And if I did tell you you wouldn't understand."

"Okay then, I guess I'm sorry." His voice raised when he said this and then he stormed off.

Sometime during Oscar and I's argument  Stephanie had begun to jump up and down on the bed, but she suddenly had stop, plopping on the bed making the bed move every direction. "Daddy is really mean," She said.

"You have no ides what he's going through right now." I whispered hoping she did hear.

During lunchtime I got out of bed and threw on the best plaid shirt I had and a pair of blue jean that I never wore and put on some makeup, and left my hair as it is. I've been thinking a lot about what Oscar said. I walked out into the kitchen making lunch. 

"Wow somebody"s actually up. And look she's not wearing her usual goth clothes." I looked up from the refrigerator to see who it was--Oscar's girlfriend. Janet was standing next to the island farthest away from the refrigerator

I tried to ignore her but couldn't help but make a comment. "Hey at least I eat Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner...All in one day."

"Well at least I'm skinny."

"I have an ass, boobs and a flat tummy." I shut the refrigerator door and stood at the opposite of the island. 

"What you deal with me?"

"I don't like people that hate me for no reason." I said not looking up from the sandwich I was making. I took a bite of the sandwich. "I mean why do you hate me anyways?"

"Because I'm not stupid, you like OG."

She was obviously very stupid. "As a friend, but not any other way."

"Well I like him so back the fuck off bitch, okay?'

"But you're dating Oscar why would you do that to him?"

"Why do you care you obviously hate him?"

Yeah completely stupid. "I don't hate him... you know what just leave me alone, you stupid bitch."

She glared at me and left.

I finished eating my sandwich and sat on the couch next to OG and told him what happened. 

"Wow, she's stupid."

I nodded."Yeah how can she think that? I'm sorry that's so funny. Wow she's so stupid."

Then OG got up right after I said that.

"Wait OG what are you dong?"

Ten minutes later Oscar came right out  of his room with a jacket in his hand and ran outside. I followed.

"Oscar, What did he say to you?" I crossed my arms, I didn't realize how cold it was.

His back was turned to me so I couldn't see the expression on his face. "I can't fucking believe her."

"OG isn't a girl...I mean I don't think so." I joked. 

I was quite enough to hear Oscar laugh a little bit. "No I'm talking about Janet." He faced me. "We broke up before OG told me that. It just she moved on so fast and-"

"I get it. Some girls are like that--the ones with a cold heart. You'll get over her. And Oscar...she's not worth it."

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