Chapter 4

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Chapter 4-This Stupid Letter

Charlotte's P.O.V

Everyone was loud. Except for me. I sat in my room alone, putting all my things away.

Bang! Bang! This fist bang was loud as my ex's. This fist was strong and powerful, like my ex. That was my first thought: he's hear. He's coming to get me. But I know I'm only making myself believe this silly lie. Again there was a bang, but it was more softer yet alarming.

I opened the door, peaking my head, just in case he showed up. Thank god it wasn't him.

"Um, hey...Felix, right?" I said, squinting my eye as if that makes me remember ones name.

"Yeah," He smiled, cute wrinkles formed around his mouth.

My bare foot dragged along the carpet floor. "So why'd you come here?" I looked up at him and man was in hard not to smile. He was just as hot as the girls exaggerated it to be.

"Well I just thought that you wanted to hang out with all of us, since you're the only one in your room." Felix said.

"That's nice of you, but I kind of want to be by myself."

"If you're going to be by yourself, you're going to be by yourself and me."

I didn't think I could compete with him so I just said nothing, continuing to unpack.

Felix sat on my freshly made bed looking through the drawer that sat next to it. "What's this?" He held a crinkled paper that's been ripped from a notebook. 

I shrugged at him, "I don't know. I didn't put that there." 

He looked at me trying to see if I was lying, which I was not, and uncrumbled it, looking at the words written on it. I watched as his eyes moved. Wow was he cute, concentrating. "What is this? Who is this guy? Are you dating someone?" He said, all sounding like one word.

Snatching the paper from Felix's hand, I read it.

I know. It's been months since I've seen you. But Charlotte I've missed you more than a flower without sunlight. I'm still waiting for the flight that will take me to you. I need to see your face one last time before I can move on. 

The handwriting was a bunch of scribbles, barely legible. And it looked like his hand writing, but I can insure he did not write this. His words aren't sweet, there isn't much thought into his words, only anger and abuse. Everything I wanted to do or didn't want to do was a bad decision, even when my choice was the right one. I can't believe my parents wanted me to marry that idiot. 

I read on: Let me be yours I promise I'll make everything better for you. I'll treat you like a queen. Everything you ever wanted, think about it, and you can have it. I won't hurt you again I promise. I love you Charlotte. Why can't you see that? I'll shout it from the rooftop if you don't believe me.

You being so beautiful, doesn't help, my sweet Charlotte. Your face is soft and angelic. You lips are kissable. I even love you red, blackish, what ever color, hair (even though that red is an ugly color).                                                                                         

Maybe you should come to me? That's a better idea. I want to marry you, Charlotte. We've been dating ever since we were twelve, and now it's time to get married. I've waited long enough to wait for you. And even at the age you're at you still won't 'do it' with me. 

I had enough of this. Okay now who ever wrote this really made themselves sound like him. This was a set up. 

After enough silence I had to try and explain this to Felix. I rubbed his arm, for a reason I don't know. "This, stupid note, I don't know where it came from. But one thing I do know is this is a set up." I lowered my voice hoping the cameras didn't pick this up. "This show did this to cause drama. Don't you see it Felix? Do you believe me?" 

He was silent for a moment. "I-I don't know if I can trust you. I don't know even know you." Felix looked straight into my eyes and moved closer to me almost like he was going to kiss me, but then he got up from my bed and left.

Stupid Charlotte.

A/N: Sorry it took so long to update we've been busy with school and couldn't find time to write. But hey we updated. 

What do you think of that note Felix found? 

Hope you like it. See ya!


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