Chapter 13

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Chapter 13-Morgan and OG or Morgan and Oscar on a date?

Morgan's POV

There was something weird about this morning. I couldn't put my finger on it at first, but after thinking a healthy amount about it, I figured it out. Stephanie was always right by me when I wake up, in fact she always woke me up.

I got up making my bed, heading to the kitchen. 

"You're up late." Omar said in the cheerful way he speaks.

"Yeah, well Stephanie hasn't been waking me up."

"She wakes me up." I didn't say anything for a second still trying to wake up. "Because OG and I share a room."

I made a face when I heard Omar say OG. Lately he's been acting weird, taking Stephanie away from me, not hanging out with Omar, Charlotte, and I. 

"I going to go back into my room." I said, grabbing the banana closet to me and heading to my room. When I got there OG was sitting on my bed, Stephanie was sitting on his lap

"Morgan!" Stephanie shouted, her arms up in the air, full of excitement.

"Hey Stephanie." I said, moving my glare away from OG and turning it into warm, sweet eyes. "Honey, can you go over and see Charlotte for a little bit. I have to talk to him real quick." 

"Okay." She wobbles out of here holding her scruffy teddy bear.

I turned to OG. "What are you doing in my room?"

He looked up at me just as angry. "Because I have to give you this."

There was a white envelope in his hand. I hope it isn't what I think it is. "Don't tell me it's what I think it is."

"I'm not so happy about it either." OG yelled.

"What does it say." And before I would let him answer I ripped the white envelope out of his hands.

It read:

I know how well of friends you and Morgan are, so why not make it official by going out on a real date.



I let out and long dragged exhale. "Why does he hate me so much?"

"Because you got all mad at him when he wanted to know if you're a virgin or not."

"That was personal. He doesn't need to know." There was one of those awkward silences, because what are you suppose to say to that. "What time do you want to get going." I asked bored of the thought of OG and I on a date.

"Four. I want to get this done and over with." OG said just as bored.

I got ready but not too ready. I threw on a pair of jeans from freshman year of High School and a destroyed plaid shirt. And for the makeup, none.

"Hey." Oscar said, as I sat on the couch next to him.

"Hey." I mumbled. 

"Are you going on a date?" 

"Yeah." I said sounding bored as I possibly can.

"With who?" Oscar, who was suddenly interested.

"OG," again sounding bored. "He hasn't been acting like he's usual self lately. Plus we've been arguing a lot." I was going to say more, but OG walked into the living room.

"Are you ready to go?" He said.

"More than ever." I said fully of fake cheery-ness. And to Oscar, "Bye."

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