Chapter 16

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The bed was warm due to he combination of me and Felix's body heat created together. I shifted closer to him, grabbing onto his back tighter.

"Last night was fun," Felix whispered, winking at the end. 'Man, I'm glad theses walls are soundproof."

I laughed into his chest. "We should probably get up," I whispered.

"I don't really like that idea." He gets up giving me one last long kiss.

He leaves the room and I quickly get dressed. Heading into the kitchen, I see Oscar kissing Morgan on the forehead, sweet and soft. Morgan was pouting her lip, her face was sad.

"Morning," I say, sitting next to Felix. "Why does everyone seem so sad?"

Oscar moves his hand over his mouth motioning for me to shut up, hugging Morgan even tighter than before.

"Where's Step-"

Before I could even speak another syllable, Felix plants his soft, warm, and juicy lips on me. Our lips made that loud noise when people pull their lips about after a long making out session.

"What was that for?" I asked, looking into Felix's beautiful eyes. Hearing a door slam, someone called out 'babe' while I spoke.

"Morgan is upset about Stephanie," Felix's voice was soft and tender, trying to make it seen not as bad as it really is. Before I could ask another question, he began to speak again. "Stephanie fell in the water...or at least that's what everyone thinks."

I gasp. "I can't imagine what Morgan going through. She treated Stephanie like her daughter," Breathing into Felix's chest.

Oscar comes back out without Morgan by his side, his hands running through his hair, showing frustration.

"What happened?" I asked.

He exhaled, mixing pancake batter vigorously. "Nothing." He mumbles.

"Oscar, what's  going on?" I asked again, more sweetly

He stop mixing. "I don't like seeing her cry," He look at me right in the eyes, obviously meaning what he said.

I didn't know what to say, I mean what could I say that would make this whole situation better. I didn't feel wanted in the kitchen, so I decided to go check on Morgan.

Using light pressure, I knock on Morgan's door. 

"Go away, Oscar. I don't wan to see you," she shouted, as I heard her throw a pillow at the door.

"It's Charlotte." I waited, Morgan didn't answer. "Can I come in?"

The bed squeaked and feet shoveled as I heard the noise get closer to the door. Morgan finally opened the door, her eyes puffy and red. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, while she let me in, shutting the door behind me.

Morgan shakes her head.

"Well...Can I at least dye you hair. Remember I told you I could dye your hair back to the way you had it before."

"Yeah," she said in a low voice.

"Then, I can do your make up and then you'd look hot for your date with Oscar." Even though, I haven't planned this out yet.


"Exactly," I said, heading to the kitchen, hoping Felix would be willing to help.

Felix looked right at me as soon as I walked into the kitchen. A smile spread across his face. I go over to him and plant a quick kiss on the lips.

"EWWW!!!!I'm trying to eat!" Omar shouted, laughing afterwards.

"What were you doing in there? I've been waiting for you." Felix looked over me, up and down, and hungry for something other than pancakes.

"I'm still trying to eat, Felix," Omar but in.

"I need you help with something."

"Yeah,"Felix, whose suddenly interested.

I get closer to Felix's ear, probably not helping the situation. "Can you help me plan a date for Oscar and Morgan."

He exhaled, disappointing yet willing. "Right on it," He says to me, giving me one last quick kiss. Then to Oscar, "Yo, my man Oscar.." The rest I didn't hear, because I needed to get to work.

The next few hours consisted of dying Morgan's hair, doing her makeup, and finally helping her pick out something to wear.

"Done," I signed in relief. "Stay here, while I go check on the boys."

Before I could walk out the door, Felix was right there, with a mischievous grin.

"She finished getting ready," I said, smiling at his goofiness.

"Oscar," He calls from behind him. "I got something for you."

From behind Felix, Oscar is dressed up in all black, something I know Morgan can't resist. "Go get your girl." Felix said, smacking Oscar in his semi-existing butt.

"She's going to be so happy," I said to Felix, Oscar closing the door behind him.

"I got something for us too." In a slow whisper, Felix moves closer to me, teasingly kissing my neck.

"And what's that?"

"A surprise...we just have to get on a plane to find out. Right now.

Locked in a Cabin for Love (The Fooo fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin