Chapter 7

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Chapter 7-First and second date all in one day


I got off the couch, I was squished in the middle of Omar and OG, and answered the door. “Woah, you're hot.” I said.


There at the door appeared a blonde guy with short, spiky, yet smooth looking hair. He’s tan looked nice too. “Thanks...I think.” He laughed, god was it a gorgeous laugh, though I don’t know if that’s possible.


“I’m Morgan, by the way.” I extended my hand.


“You’re the girl that’s on this date card.” He ran his fingers through his hair, then finally shook my hand. I was disappointed, his hands were rough and sweaty. “I’m Frank.” And to continue the disappointment in me, Frank, really. I hate that name.


I went off to my room. My plain, basic, simple room. Charlotte came in moments later with two pink makeup boxes.


“You ain’t puttin’ that shit in my room, are you?”


“Relax, girl. I’m just doing your makeup before you date.” She shut the door behind her, sitting awfully close to me. “You know who Frank look like?”


“No. And I don’t care.”


“He looks a lot like Oscar. Except Frank got short bright blonde hair, while Oscar has fluffy brownish hair.”


I ignored her, like I care . But then again I kinda do care.


Charlotte finally began to do my makeup, after she was done rambling on about Oscar and Frank’s similarities and differences.


It was a couple minutes after six, when we heard a knock on my door. OG came in.


“You know should wait for an answer before entering, I mean I could be naked-”


“Stop moving your head. I’ll burn you on purpose next time.” Charlotte said, snapping the straightener in front of my face.


“Well this is important.”

 “It can’t be that important.” I said.

“You shouldn’t go on that date. Frank is kinda weird.” OG was leaning on the door frame.


I groaned. “What did he do?”


“He didn't technically do anything, it was just somethinghe said.”


“Just tell me what he said OG!”


“He was saying how he was going to make you ‘beg for it”. And then he said some joke about how he better he looks than Oscar.”

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