Chapter 6

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Chapter 6-Pancakes and Morgan’s Bisquick

Charlotte's P.O.V.

Everything that happened feels nonexistent today. I feel like this morning is a fresh new start. But then again, last time I thought that I was wrong. I almost struggled for my life, nearly losing it.

Getting up from my bed, I knew I was hungry. Pancakes were the first thing that popped into my mind. So that's what I did.

My parents never let me cook, neither did my ex whack head of a boyfriend. But I did cook while they were gone. The maid taught me. People hate when I said maid, they look at me like I'm carrying around a slave. But my maid was my best friend, my parents didn't let me have very many friends. They only-

"What are you doing?"

I look up, seeing Morgan. I almost couldn't recognize her, with her big black framed glasses and her hair up in a, I guess what she calls, a pony tail. She sat down in the island at the middle of the kitchen. I couldn’t help but notice how her pajamas watched the kitchen. White.

"I'm making pancakes." I finally answered.

"No you're not. That's not how you make pancakes."

There was flour, eggs, chocolate chips; everything to make pancakes from scratch.

I stood up straight. "Yes it is. I make these all the time."

She laughed. Why was she laughing? "No, this is how you make pancakes." Morgan went to the pantry and grabbed a box saying Bisquick.

"What's bisquick?'

Again she laughed. "It's pancake batter."

"Then why is it dry. How do you make pancakes out of flour?"

"Girl you're so stupid.. You put a bunch of shit in it and...bam! you've successfully made pancakes...well not really you still have to cook them first."

"Why can't I make them from scratch?"

"Nobody knows how to pancakes from scratch."

"Well I do."

"Well Bisquick is always better than homemade."

"How so?"

"Because it taste like homemade. And any idiot can make pancakes with bisquick."

I turned back around and began mixing everything together. Morgan kept telling me I was putting too much of  everything in the bowl.

"Do you just wanna help?"

Morgan pulled up her sleeves, "Yes, finally these pancakes are about to taste way better."

I ignored her comment. "Get the bacon out."

We make a great team, sorta. Morgan made the bacon and watched over my shoulder to see if I was going to screw up.  I set the table and quickly continued to cook pancakes without Morgan trying to messing with them.

“Heeeey, what are you two making?”

I didn’t have to turned around to know who it was. “Hey Omar.” Morgan and I said at the same time. That was really weird.

“Pancakes...from scratch.” Morgan said, making a gagging noise.

After Omar and Morgan were done laughing, he said “I’m going to go get everyone else to eat.” When he came back only Felix, Oscar, and OG wanted to eat. I noticed their hair was all in a mess and OG wasn’t wearing a hat. He looked hot with out his hat. I could tell Morgan thought the same thing.

“Where is everyone else at? I asked.

“They told us that their sluts, and that” Felix cleared his throat and spoke in a high-pitched girls voice. “Sluts don’’t eat. I think they were trying to impress us.”

After breakfast, the guys went outside to the lake The four blonde girls went to go explore beyond on the cabin. I think they said something about going shopping. Morgan and I didn’t have any plans, well just to unpack.

We started with her room, and finished right during lunch. We were already on a roll so we began to put my make-up and hair dye up. Morgan was amazed by it. She never really figured out that I am a cosmetologist.

Our stomach were over do for some food, so for dinner we had cereal. We didn’t even finish because a loud screeching noises blared through the whole house.


I walked in the living room. Jeff was on the screen in a fresh clean black suit. He hair was slick back. “Nice suit Jeff.” I said, while sitting on the floor.

“So some of you may or may not have noticed the number of women...I mean girls,” There he looked at Morgan. “that dominate the number of men here. This would be the only time you women dominate us men.

“But there will be changes going on in the next couple of weeks. You may have new people living with you and you might have to go on dates. If you decide not to go on them, then you’ll be sorry.”

“What will happen if we don’t go? Don’t tell em you’ll take them off the show or shoot us.”

Jeff ignored Morgan rolling his eyes. “You will need to abide by these rules also. And have fun but not too much fun.“ Then he flickered off the TV screen.

“This is going to be fun.” Oscar said. I couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not.

Then there was a knock on the door. We all jumped.

A/N:Hey guys! We are so happy to see all the support you all have given us. And we want to thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting! This is going to get really intresting next chapter, too.

We wanted to let you all know that we will probably be updating most likely through Friday through Sunday depending on how busy we are.

Who do you think is behind the door? What do you think about the new rules? Who's do you think is going to go on a date with who?

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