Chapter 2

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Lyndon settled in the small yet comfortable bed which nestled perfectly into the top bed bunk upon a wide red sheet. He could hear Nilesy's steady breathing as he slept. Stretching out, his paws clipped the wooden barrier that engaged the top mattress. Steadily jumping, Lyndon landed on the small window edge- staring out into the sky as the train thundered through the pitch black night.

They had been on the night-train for a total of 7 hours. Although to Lyndon, it felt like forever!

He turned his small head, flicking the pointed ears which allowed him to listen the the mice scurry under the floor.

As the train rumbled, the suitcase which used to be stood against the light brown coffee table, fell and slid across the room, narrowly avoiding clattering into Nilesy.

He deftly leapt down to the floor, immediately nearly fell over! Righting himself, Lyndon trotted towards the case which had managed to pop itself open.

After a small session of digging about, his eyes finally landed on the enclosed food pouch Nilesy was due to feed him an hour ago. Extending his paw he swiftly brought it back to him and began to rip it open.

After finishing the meal, used the power in his back legs to reach the table, where he licked his paws and jaws clean.

Lying back in his soft comfy bed, Lyndon fell into his last deep sleep, before their big morning.

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