Chapter 5

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Hannah was busy in the spare room, which would now be known as Nilesy's room when Lewis called her into his office. Sighing, she finished adding the final touches to his office, before skipping down the hall. She had pictures if Lyndon everywhere in the room, and shelves full of items such as Nilesy's minecraft character figurines and general gaming souvenirs. she hoped it would look as appealing as possible to help them settle in. Lyndon would be the first animal to inhabit Yogtowers, and Hannah hoped he would fit in and enjoy his new part home. There were plenty of cat toys and treats stacked in the cupboards and scattered all over the floor, as well as the best and comfiest king size cat bed money can buy. The desk that was neatly tucked out of the way of the windows housed a neat row of three computers and two keyboards, the standard Yogscast setup. Leaving the room, Hannah glanced back once again to make sure everything was perfect before heading off to see what it was Lewis wanted. Hearing her name called a second time, she rolled her eyes and shut the mahogany door before heading up the hall.


Nilesy finally heaved himself up the last step, leaning on the railing while puffing out air, attempting to regain control of his breathing. Lyndon neatly walked down his outstretched arm onto the rail, before turning back to look at his exhausted friend expectantly. Nilesy gave a weak smile as he struggled to stand up straight. He looked down at his feet where Lyndon had decided to cheer him up with a cheerful rub on the leg. which was met by a pat on the head by his partner in crime. Brushing himself off as he stood up, Nilesy started towards the door leading to a long lit hallway. Before he could even open the door, he nearly jumped out of his skin when right next to him on the right a loud bell sounded. He swung his head round to see two lift doors pull away from each other, revealing a very smiley Martyn Littlewood. After a few casual meeting statements such as

'Its been so exciting seeing Hannah making your office ready!'


'The move has been quite long and drawn out but hopefully worth it'

The subject moved onto Lyndon. Martyn, having two cats at home with Kaeyi anyway, was automatically on his knees cooing Lyndon over. Nilesy had to hold back a grin as Lyndon looked pitifully at the man on the floor and began cleaning his paws.

"He isn't a particularly social cat" Nilesy laughed, and the three made their way down the hallway talking endlessly about cats.

Once Martyn reached his office, he cheerfully waved goodbye and disappeared to record some new series of 'InTheLittleCubed' with Dan.

After a small amount of walking around, Nilesy eventually found Hannah's office. Calling Lyndon over with a small whistle, he asked him politely to jump on his arm. Lyndon obliged immediately, preferring to be carried as oppose to having to walk.

Sitting on his best friends arm was the second best place to be, in Lyndon's mind anyway. The first was obviously in his bed, asleep. As they entered a new room for apparently the millionth time today, Lyndon instantly caught the scent of cat treats! Shutting his eyes he sought out the source of the scent, but alas, his concentration was broken by the sounds of high pitched greetings and hugging, before being promptly dropped to the floor. Looking around he saw a woman talking to Nilesy, and rolled his eyes. Since when was he so popular? He thought to himself.Lyndon have up waiting and politely interjected by wearing his way in and out of this woman's legs, purring for attention. She cried out at first but soon realised the source of the fur, and ran to the nearest cupboard. While Lyndon pondered what he could have done to offend Nilesy's friend, he was met by that delicious smell once again! Like a flash he leapt onto her desk and sat on his hind legs, begging for a treat. Giggling, the blonde dropped one from the sky. Typical. Lyndon thought, I have to work for my food. Before catching it deftly in the air.

After a few rounds of treats, and some conversing between his best friend and this strange treat holder, Lyndon learned her name was Hannah, and that she would have many more treats for him in the future. Luckily, she had made the mistake of retrieving them from the place they were hidden while he was there. Needless to say, they would not be there for long, not while Lyndon was there.

After Lyndon had eaten a sufficient amount of treats, Hannah showed Nilesy and Lyndon to their room. Lyndon was straight away in the little bed on the windowpane, stretched out and soon sound asleep. The rest of the day flew by, meeting everyone and generally learning about where things were and how to work the small recording light that sat outside everyone's door. Throughout all the hours spent looking around, Lyndon slept. Which wasn't unusual, more typical, and soon it was time for Nilesy to take him home to their flat. Waving goodbye, Nilesy carried the half awake black tom to the nearest bus station and waited. Time seemed to drag past before the bus eventually arrived to take them home. The seats were itchy and uncomfortable, though the journey was short and so not unbearable. After such a monuments day both cat and human were absolutely tired out of their minds, and so it wasn't long before they both drifted off, dreaming of the days that lie ahead.


Ok that took ages to write and as you can tell towards the end the quality started to fail so I decided to stop before it got too bad >.<

In Barcelona today and it's freezing cold. It's meant to be sunny. Ugh.

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I feel like this is a theme now;




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