Chapter 4

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The wind whipped through the trees and through the air into Lyndons face as he cowered in the small red cat carrier. Nilesy too shivered as he carried the cat holder, trying to find the address.

I hope Lyndon is going to get in well in this new environment. It took him round about two years to get accustomed to living in that rubbish dump we used to live in! At least Hannah will help look after him.

Nilesy wondered to himself worriedly.

Eventually they stepped up to the door to Yogtowers. A double automatic door held the secrets of its location nestled deep in Bristol! Gulping, Nilesy stepped up and headed to the front desk.

Lyndon didn't know what was going on. at the moment all he could see and or smell was the harsh breathe of the wind against what appeared to be a tall grey building. Pressing his face against the small net front to this prison-like enclosure, he gained vision of them approaching what appeared to be a warm environment. He wasn't going to argue! Lyndon felt he had been trapped in here long enough, and so began to paw the net, tearing it in places with his long strong claws. This would not be a regular occurrence, he decided there and then.

Nilesy stood up from letting the small black tom-cat out of the carrier and continued talking to the receptionist, only occasionally glancing at Lyndon- who was looking rather bored. After a hurried goodbye, they headed upstairs in search of the offices.

Lyndon wasn't enjoying the waiting around chatting part of the excursion. He looked on as his master attempted a normal conversation with a normal human being. It was shameful to watch. Eventually though, after much clawing at his leg, I convinced him to avoid anymore awkward chat, and he apparently decided we were going to head up around a million flights of stairs. Looking up, I could barely see the top. There was no way in a million years Lyndon was going to walk all that way, so he neatly perched himself on Nilesy's shoulders.

Nilesy laughed to himself as Lyndon perched himself on his shoulders. It wasn't uncommon for him to show his lazy side, and Nilesy wasn't against carrying the light cat. So they began their ascent towards the office, cat on man and full of delight!


Sorry that this is like the worst chapter ever written:') I'm currently on holiday, it's really early and we have just seen pilot whales holy mother of the lord.

Back to the point.

As in on holiday, I wasn't planning on actually writing anything but then I managed to convince my father to buy wifi (we are on a cruise ship) and now here we are!

I hope you enjoyed? There isn't really much to enjoy I know but eh!

Ok I never know how to end these things...




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