Chapter 23

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Lyndon sat outside the tall building sorting through his emotions and feelings. The stary sky overhead which drowned out the lights of the bustling nightlife seemed to stare at the tom cat intently. Lyndon didn't know how to feel. He was afraid. Afraid that when the kittens finally arrived, he would not be the father he was meant to be. Afraid that he would let Vixie down, and afraid that he might screw it up somehow. If only there were some way to assure that he would be the perfect father. Alas, there was no such way. Lyndon's tail flicked in the steady night breeze while his deep brown eyes settled on the oncoming clouds. They looked to contain a storm, and so soon he would be forced to once again trapse inside. For now though, the cat allowed his body to fall into a lying position on the wall. Lyndon was also looking forward to being a father. To have kittens of his own to raise, help them learn and understand the ways of the world! It would be so eye opening! 


Nilesy and Katie had been an 'item' now for around three months. Not only had they immediatley clicked upon meeting, but all of their fans seemed to enjoy their collabs and joint content. It was now that Vixie was soon to drop, they decided to discuss homes for the kittens. 

Although Katie's channel now had over 400,000 subscribers, with Nilesy's forever gaining at 654,000 , neither had announced the imminent arrival of kittens. There was no particular reason for this, it just hadn't crossed their minds! Jasper had not been introduced to fans yet either.The first of the Christmas livestreams was in two days and the group had decided this would be the perfect time for the pup to make an appearence. Now though, Katie decided to inform their fans with a short vlog, and so she hesitantly picked up the small video camera that lay infront of her. Standing from her sitting position, Katie headed towards Hatfilm's room. Seeing the red light above their door for once not alight she proceeded to head in. Vixie was lying asleep just across from the door, upon the window sill, and so Katie began the video in a whisper so as not to awaken her.

"What's up guys! It's Katie here, and I have a sort of special announcment to make!" She paused briefly, glancing at the sleepy feline, "You are all by now aware I assume of Nilesy and I's relationship status?" She raised her eyebrows comically at the camera with pursed lips. Humour was definitley her strong point. She grinned before continuing, "Well, if you are a good little stalker you will also know that we both own cats! I have my sweet little Vixie *insert cutie cat picture here* and Nilesy has a handsome black cat called Lyndon! *insert yet another handsome cat picture here*! Well, Let's just put it this way, Lyndon is a male and Vix is a female. I bet you can guess what I'm about to say next!" She awkwardly stiffled giggles before swinging the camera around to face a rather large rotund looking Vixie asleep, her breathing causing her stomach to rise and fall in time. Katie had to resist a loud 'AWWWWWWWWWH' as the cat rolled onto her back, meowing softly.

The tall woman turned the camera back to her face so the audience could watch the silent 'awwwwh'. She looked back at the cat before proceeding to speak once again, "So Vix is pregnant! i'll leave you to deduce what happened between the love birds..." Clearing her throat Katie continued, "And we are expecting kittens any time in the next few days! I know this is a kind of late announcement, but it just didn't feel right to tell you guys until now! Hopefully you'll be excited?"

Just at that moment, Lyndon came trotting through the door his coat gleaming as dark as night and eyes as bright as the sun. Katie allowed herself to fall silent as the father-to-be to head over to the pregnant feline. Lyndon gently layed down beside the cat and allowed her to nestle her head deep in his neck. Katie held the camera to face the cute couple.

They seemed completley at peace, and so Katie gently bbacked out of the room so as not to disturb them. Flipping the camera back around, the blonde proceeded to adress a few other normal vlog points and questoins, before ending it. It was promptly edited and uploaded, as Katie was eager to ee the reactions of fans. Almost immediatley, the responses came flooding in,

"Oh. My Gosh. I WANT ONE! <3" Katie chuckled a little and rolled her eyes before scrolling down the comments,

"How many are you expecting?" Ahh! Now here' a question she could answer! Typing a repl, Katie hit the send button and continued scrolling, "three"

"Does this mean kitten vlogs?? :D" She laughed before replying, "That depends- who would watch?;)". A ton of replies to Katie's comment automatically flooded back in with a mixture of responses.

"Yes!", "Who wouldn't!" "Duh!^,^"! Singing off, Katie stood up and stretched. She was currently in Nilesy's office, yet at her won desk. They had decided it would be a good ide to let her have her own space in his room as the filmed together so often it was simply easier. The small blue sofa still sat cramped on the right wall was seemingly drwing her in. Giving in to the urge, Katie headed towards the elongated cushion throne and made the executive desicion to take a well deserved nap.

What she didn't count on however was being woken less than five mintues later by the screech of a cat in labour.



Wooo Katie and Nilesy are back!

Kittens soon ooh exciting :3

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