Chapter 19

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Quick A/N

I'm in the opticians and it's really really awkward because right next to me there's a poster telling of how bad for your eyes staring at a phone screen is. Whoops.

//Flashback sort of thingy to before the accident//

Bonnie skipped happily along the stony concrete, her claws rapidly clinking as she went. Her mistress, Hannah, was looking down at her with a mixture of proudness and love in her eyes.

Finally arriving in the solemnly quiet park, Bonnie and Hannah headed towards the low park bench. The maple wood was old and weak, dipping in places from where it had been worn over time. Woodworm was clearly present, although it made no difference to the pair.

Hannah sat with her knees overlapped, rubbing her hands together in an attempt to heat them from the cold winter air. Sitting patiently by her side, Bonnie brushed her warm fur into Hannah's fingers, allowing a little extra heat to envelope them. Smiling graciously, the blonde stroked her tricoloured partner's head with a quiet sigh.

"What are we gonna do Bon?" She asked with apprehension ringing through her voice. Bonnie looked deep into her eyes with a sense of knowing- and it was at that moment, Hannah knew. She knew this was what Bonnie wanted, what would complete her life. Truly make her feel like she belonged somewhere, with a strong purpose. Gently Bonnie laid her long snout on Hannah's leg, whimpering softly. Hannah smiled at the action, leaning down and kissing her sweetly between the eyes.

Bonnie thought carefully about how her friends would react when she told them the news. She and Vixie had spoken of this day for months on end, and finally it had almost arrived. Although neither Sky or Lyndon had noticed the obvious smack-you-in-the-face signs, the rest of the office had caught on pretty quickly. Her attention snapped back to the present as Hannah got up to leave. Getting to her feet, Bonnie ran forwards, grabbing a lost ball in her jaws and offering it at Hannah's feet. She may not be able to do this for a while, so may as well make the most of it!

Hannah laughed, picking up the red and blue striped sphere and tossing it gently towards a forlorn tree. Bonnie sped after it- leaping up and catching it midair. Returning it within seconds, they repeated the action a few times, before Bonnie was out of breath. Clipping her lead back on, the pair began their steady descent back home.

On the way, Hannah seemed to be walking with a little more stumble than usual. Probably because she had had a little too much to drink last night, but Bonnie was not one to judge. It was halfway home that Hannah frowned and realised they were taking the wrong route. Shrugging it off, she went to cross the road. The world around her was still a little dim and blurry, but that was only a temporary affect of alcohol.

What she didn't see however- was the car zooming towards her at a grey speed. A sudden bark from Bonnie brought her back to attention, and she spun, frozen in place staring directly at the oncoming red blur.

In a heart beat Bonnie leapt through the air and put all her force into knocking Hannah aside- out the way of the speeding machine. The collie knew this was her final few moments, as all strength had gone from her legs as of pushing Hannah aside. Unable to move, the world around her slowed down. She had two options;

A) Focus on the car and panic wildly, despite the unavoidable obliteration she was facing

Or B ) To think one last time about all her favourite things in life.

Choosing option B, Bonnie's mind swirled away from the car and quickly ran through the most soul lifting moments she could think of.

First, there was meeting Hannah and Lewis, how they saved her and took her in despite everyone else rejecting her. There were no nicer hand than the two she called 'best friend'.

Next, her mind flickered to Lyndon, along with Vixie shortly after. Lyndon had been one of those that kept her sane, even when he was not. They had been through so much together, she was going to miss him greatly. Wishing the two felines a wonderful life ahead of them, Bonnie moved on.

Sky. The beginnings of a tear coated the outer layer of her miss-matched eyes, at the thought of his name. He truly was one of a kind, her best friend, her confidant, her escape from the rest of the world. Little did he know how much he meant to her.

Her last thought turned to what would have become of her future, had it not been about to end as it was. All these thoughts wandered through her mind in the space of about 3 seconds, before the car impacted her in comparison small frail body. Being killed on impact, her very last thought turned to her how Sky would have reacted, when she would have told him,

She was carrying his puppy.

Then the world fell into an eternal blackness.

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