Chapter 13

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Katie whipped on her watch, tutting at the time as she prepared for her visit to Yogtowers. Nothing can prepare you for this moment. Her husky Sky belly-crawled over as she shook in the kitchen. Glancing down at him, KAtie smiled kindly. Sky had become part of her life three years ago, when he had been abandonned by his previous owners. They had just happened to be Katie's ex-next door neighboroughs! Brushing her fingers through the long, black and white stained fun upon his head, she thought about how much he had come on since they had been together. From being a tiny puppy scared of his own shadow, Sky had fledged into a fully grown adult husky, blue eyes that could freeze fire if they tried. These eyes were now soft, looking up into his best friend's. She sighed before turning back to the bag she was packing, already full of things she might need. The small checklist she had prepared the night before sat on the side and she mentally read them off.

Cat treats?

Done. Knowing that both Lyndon and Vixie would be there, Katie figured that both would at some point require some sort of treats, and she didn't want the Yogscast to feel like she was burdening them by making them share their cat treats... Ok, it was official. Katie was paranoid. She let out a breath she didnt know she was holding and continued reading the list;

Phone Charger-Check


Laptop Charger-Check

As well as a whole load of unreasonable and un-nessecary things, but Katie figured she'd take them anyway. After packing the bag, she slumped into her fitting leather armchair, Vixie tugging desperatley at her sleeve and Sky pawing her feet. Rolling her eyes, Katie moved off of the chair and towards the kitchen. She pulled out the treats she had packed for both dog and cat and spilled them into seperate piles on the floor. As they munched contently, Katie glanced at her phone. Any moment now the text alert would sound, signalising Nilesy was outside in the taxi. But for now, she waited.


Nilesy sat in the taxi heading for Katie's place- when he realised he looked a mess. Pulling out a small comb, he managed to tame his unruly hair into a reasonably presentable shape, and straightened his top. He sighed as Lyndon gave him a dissaproving glance before turning to stare excitedly out the window of the taxi.

"You really like her, huh boy?" Nilesy chimed to Lyndon. He had never seen the cat so lovestruck before. Running his hand over the black tom's body, he remembered the days when the kitten used to claw the pillows and the curtains. Now he was all grown up, falling in love. It was literally like raising a child. Wiping the tears that had begun to form in his eyes, Nilesy realised they had arrived. He quickly explained to the taxi driver that they would pick up another girl, then head to *insert Yogtowers adress here*. He nodded firmly and turned back to his wheel.

N- Outside- hurry before you miss the Nilexpress!;)x

K- On my way, you leave without me McKay and it'll be the last thing you ever do. >;)x

N- Yikes! I guess we'll stay put! x

K- Thats right. x

Katie giggled as she shouldered her rucksack and clipped Sky's lead on. He would walk to heal nicley, but she hated the idea of something scaring him and him in turn running out into the middle of the road. Nearly slamming the door behind her, Katie headed down the many flights of stairs, Sky slightly ahead of her and Vixie on Sky's back. This was her favourite place to sit, as it meant she would not have to make as much effort as she would normally. As soon as the three were in the car park, the taxi revved in order for them to locate them. Nilesy leaned out the window and waved- beckoning her over. Katie giggled and ran towards them. Buckling in, they all settled in for the ride.

The chatter between Nilesy and Katie was bustling, but Vixie and Lyndon couldn't hear a word. Curled up together they spoke in hushed voices, so Sky couldn't hear.

"Are you looking forward to visiting again?" Lyndon beamed at the tabby. She shifted slightly and gave him a shy smile,

"I guess, but I am sort of nervous... what if they don't like me this time... if last time was just a one off?" Lyndon was shocked that Vixie could think there was even the slightest possibility of someone not liking her. Pushing his warm body up against hers, he comforted her and set her mind as rest, keeping her warm in the harsh winter air.

"Everyone'll love you Vix, don't you worry! Even if they didn't, you know I do" Vixie's head shot round at this.

"Did you just say you loved me?" She asked hardly daring to breathe. Looking equally as shocked, Lyndon gently replied.

"I think so?" A moment of silence blew over the taxi as everyone stared at the two cats staringly into each others eyes, not with love and compassion, but with shock and just a little hint of excitment. Sky howled gently,

"Looks like you two are gonna be very happy together!" The husky ducked at as Vixie's paw swung just over his head, missing it's intended target. She looked back at Lyndon, before whispering;

"I love you too," With that both cats purred earnstly and Sky laughed, a raspy sort of bark, causing the two humans to look at him strangley. What a sight this was, a taxi full of animals, two humans unable to stop finding common intrests and coincidental common ground, and a taxi driver who looked as if any moment now would just stop driving and order them all out onto the sidewalk. Yet his expression wavered, when they pulled up at the tall, grand Yogtowers.


Well hey guys!

Sorry its been like a million years since the last update- Wattpad decided to completley flip out on my phone and just have some sort of mental fit ~.~ It deleted this entire chapter, which I have now had to write up again.

So I just checked the view thingy (I'm writing this on my laptop and I checked on my phone, I'm not sure how reliable my source is >.<) AND HOLY MOLY OVER 200 VIEWS?! That is insane. More people than in my family, and my best friends family (that's alive anyway) BUT SERIOUSLY Thank you sooo much ^.^ It really means a lot xD

Well... I think that's all I have to say...



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