Chapter 26

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It came about to be the time for the thing most Yognau(gh)ts looked forward to most every year, the Christmas Livestreams! A time of fun an joy, and normally alcohol consumption. But eh, it was Christmas.

It was on the second of Decemeber that it was time for the legendary Protesh Strem. Of course, Katie had also been invited to tag along, since she practically lived there anyway. Joining the couple that night would be Zylus, Rythian and Zoey occasionaly, Ravs, Tee and Panda. They were set to play a variety of games, ranging from the actioin packed TF2 to the thrilling game of DayZ. There was once again 'French Cam' set up in the corner for Zylus, and 'Lyndon Cam' on the right of the screen. However this year, Sparkles* the stream master, was forced to change the name of that camera. Now, it read; 'Kitten Cam' as it was focused on the two younger cats who were gently pawing at the camera. It was about 7:00pm GMT and so all took their seats in preperation to begin. Of course, they were already Proteshionally late.

"Well hello everybody!" Nilesy's cheerful tone rang out into the head phones of many viewers, making them immediately turn their volume down. "And welcome to the Protesh Strem!" The running joke continued, 'Protesh'. 

"Tonight we have in line for you very awesome games, which we will probably fail at, kitten cam, and Zylus' amazing dancing skills!" Panda chuckled as Zylus distraughtly refused to dance. 

Soon they were deep into a game of DayZ, Nilesy cursing at anyone that came near him and hacking people's knees. The stream chat seemed to be chanting him on, and finally he made the elongated and drawn out kill. While looting, Nilesy was sneakily killed from behind, and proceeded to let out a stratled yell whilst slamming his key board down... Then of course he reloaded and attempted once more to take down everyone in sight.


Katie stayed in the cat room while Nilesy began the stream. She would be joinging, just a little later in the evening. For now she was on kitten duty. Soon after they had been born the office decided to dedicate an entire room to the young animal's upbringing. So, on the left hand side of the office, the kittens had taken up residence. There were two large soft cushion-like beds, one for each of the kittens, and a variety of bowls. The first contained a fresh supply of crystal clear water, the second painted bowl contained the first kitten's breakfast, and the third bowl the second kitten's breakfast. 

On the right hand side of the room Jasper inhabited. There was a large cardboard box which held a variety of different puppy toys and a range of treats. Here both Sky and Jasper would relax during the day, and sometimes sleep during the night if the livestreams were on.

Today however there was a large camera facing down at the kittens, their curious eyes scanning it all over. Katie laughed at them as their paws hit into the camera. She had her iPad open and was watching the stream while in the animal room. Sure enough, the chat was entirley filled with miniature Simons, 'awwh' being the most common. 


After roughly an hour and a half they took a break from the game, at this point Octodad, and pulled up facecam. Zylus' face filled the top left hand side and Nilesy's the right. Typically they had a stream with all the people that were more hesitant to show their faces. They didn't mind, it just meant mre kitten cam! Speaking of which, Nilesy began to speak directly to the viewers.

"So as you all know, the Lyndonator is now a father to two kittens!" Once again the chat exploded, it was moving to swiflty to read.

"Shall I go and get them?" HE grinned to the camera and Zylus squealed in excitment. "Oh my god Zylush calm your self!" He laughed before heading out of sight of the camera. While he was chaging rooms, Zylus ended up speaking to himself about nothing in particular. He was making the viewers laugh though, according to the chat, so he continued rambling anyway.

Suddenly kitten cam was switched off, and the box in the bottom right hand corner disapeared. Zylus paused, confused, before shrugging his shoulders and continuing. In a matter of seconds Nilesy reappeared into the stream room and into sight of camera, now with two small cats in his arms. He smiled and laughed as they struggled out of his grasp.

"So here are the kittens guys!" He chuckled. The larger male crawled onto his shoulder and circled once before draping himself down. The weight of the kitten made Nilesy shift his position, as the second smaller female kitten proceeded to head onto his left shoulder. Instead of sleeping however she promptly gained her balance and sat down comfortably, looking at the computer screen Nilesy was staring at. She tilted her head, but didn't look away. Apparently everyone watching found this hilariously cute, while the kitten just watched intently.

"This little fella," Nilesy continued shifting the attention back to the large ginger and black male, "is Apollo. He was the first born and as you can see, the biggest! He's not fat I don't think, we just say he is going to be muscular." Zylus raised an eyebrow at the last comment and the two shared a laugh. Nilesy tickled Appolo's little head and he yawned slightly, turning to look at the man. Nilesy then turned his head to the female kitten, whosebeautiful fur was fluffy as ever. "And this here is Artemis. We came up with the names from erm, Greek Mythology, because let's face it, Lyndon is a powerful god like Zeus, and Vix is as awesome as Hera?" He was making that part up, but went with it anyway. "And as Artemis and Apollo are brother and sister in myth we figured it only suited to name these guys after them!" He grinned to the camera. Some agreed on the name while others suggested other names that would have suited them.

"Nope, it's sticking to these names guys- sorry!" He quickly confirmed. Just then Katie walked in, and almost immediatley Apollo jumped off of Nilesy's shoulder and into her arms. For some reason the male had taken a liking to the woman a little more than Nilesy, which wasn't uncommon in a young animal. Artemis was the opposite, choosing to reside on Nilesy's shoulder still. The characters of the kittens were funny to watch. When alone they were interesting enough, but when put together, Artemis' sophistication was countered by Apollo's juvinille behaviour and the two made the perfect partners in crime.

"Apollo you should come and see this, it's amazing!" Artemis chirped, intently staring at the screen while Nilesy logged onto Minecraft. "Look! Look at this!" Her golden eyes shone with curiosity. Apollo rolled his eyes,

"Nah, c'mon sis! Let's go see Jasper and play in the common room!" Her brother grinned, flicking his tail with excitment. Artemis gave in, and leapt onto the table. Although they were dtill young, the cats were learning how to control their movements and actions. They stumbled over to the door and meowed longingly. Katie chuckled and opened the door, allowing the kittens to begin heading up the hall. 

"JASPER!" Apollo called, his small voice not really very loud. A small fumbling could be heard before ht now large puppy burst out the door, tail wagging a mile a minute ad tounge hanging out his mouth. He tore towards the two and rolled onto his back.

"Ready to play?" Artemis challenged, grinning evily.

"Always!" The dog smiled widly before leaping back and landing on his paws, shoulders dropped and bum high in the air. "Bring it on!"



Enjoyyyy ^.^

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