Chapter 27

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Artemis sat with her back to the two boys, eyes shut and paws neatly together. The flicked her ears and tail coordinately as she heard a slight movement, before continuing,
'21, 22, 23, 24,' This game of hide and seek was intense. Scratching and nipping were accepted, and she played rough. Claws outstretched and tweaking her whiskers, the pretty young cat allowed her face to settle on a toothy grin.

'30!!!' She spun around an immediately mapped out the vicinity. They were using the spare room, stuffed to the bursting with boxes and packages of various stored items. They provided a brilliant hide and seek setting, thus the game had come about.
Now, the brown tobier white cat mentally attacked each and every hiding space they could have. She had a knack for this, her academic skills proving extremely advanced. Apollo on the other hand was not so. Although an intelligent cat, he preferred the rough of the outdoors, as his mother did. It was almost as if they were swapped gender younger versions of their parents.

Apollo decided to switch hiding space mid game, never a good idea when Artemis was seeking. He gingerly leapt from his open topped box straight into another. He nestled his round body into the wrapping paper beneath him, in some form of a hiding technique.
Of course, Artemis had known where he was before he had even moved a whisker. The small claw marks edged into the boxes below indicated he had climbed upwards. Now in the other box Apollo figured he was hidden. Artemis used this to her advantage and slyly crept under the arch. It was one of the highest boxes, piled upon stacks of the empty packages.
Artemis pushed her whole body as close to the ground as it would go, golden eyes still focused on the box he was in. Using the immense power in the legs, Artemis thrust herself upwards and shot through the air. Reaching the intended target, the cat threw her weight onto the box, before spinning mid air and landing perfectly on her feet. She stalked away as the boxes crumpled behind her, like an action movie. One down, one to go.

Apollo slunk off to the side, admitting defeat and grumbling something about a sore paw. But all thoughts were soon forgotten as he watched his sister stalk out Jasper. He was a brilliant hider, Sk had taught him. It normally took Artemis a good full minute to realise where he was. And for Artemis, that was slow.
Her eyes flicked to every movement and every sound. Although there were but a few, all originating from Apollo. She raised an eyebrow at the suspicious pile of boxes in the corner. Almost as if they had been nudged into a certain position. She grinned now sure she had found him. Carefully Artemis leapt onto on of the highest boxes- not being more than 2 feet off of the floor. She was distraught to see he wasn't there. Apollo stifled a laugh as the husky appeared behind her, preparing to pounce.
Artemis didn't even need to turn her head. As soon as he had taken off, she had leapt high into the air above Jasper. His expression turns from a friendly evil to one of utter distress.
'AHHHH!' The now fully grown dog squeals, crashing into a pile of boxes. He shakes himself off and rolls his eyes at the smug looking feline.
'Every time, you should learn- pup!' She choked back at him- her coat bouncing gently as she laughed. Soon Apollo is laughing too, and Jasper can't resist. What a strange scene- a trio or dogs and cats rolling about in a darkened room of boxes. Just your casual day at Yogtowers.


The fact that the kittens were now half way to becoming adults didn't change the fact they needed new homes. Realistically, Lyndon, Vixie, Katie and Nilesy had held on too long. Too long, allowing them to grow even closer just to be separated. But to who? Someone in the Yogscast family, that was for sure. Nilesy and Katie thought long and hard, making a list of pros and cons for each potential owner.
They had asked everyone in the office if they would be interested and had received a variety of replies! The names were written on a large A3 size sheet of paper on the conference table, each with side notes running off them like spider legs. It seemed unfair for them to choose out of all the 'contestants' and so they decided to let the cats choose.

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