Chapter 28

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Apollo flew down the stone steps at an unreasonable speed. His heart was racing and pounding in his ears and the adrenaline coarsed through his young body. The flecks of ginger in his coat contrasting with the black seemed to standd out, as if the sun enhanced them. This was the first time there had been a serious sunny day in the young cat's lives. His amber eyes took in every detail as he sped, flying round corners and tearing up the track.

Yes, the track.

He and Jasper were earnestly racing around the office to see who was the fastest. Though the answer was always Japer, the now giant husky cross border collie, they still enjoyed the sport itself. Now, as Apollo thundered along, he took seized the corner and took adventage of his natural abilities. The male cat pushed with his haunches and landed easily on the shed roof, cutting his track size down.

"Hey! No fair dude!" The young voice of his opponent grumbled. Jasper was forced to take the slightly longer way round the shed, running for all he was worth. The huskollie, a name Smith had come up with, was gaining ground faster than the cat, and quickly overtook him. With a hiss of defeat, Apollo realised he was loosing and rolled his eyes, still pushing onwards. Eventually both animals pulled up at the finish, out of breath and sweating. The sun was hot on their backs which made cooling down ever harder. Jasper grinned at the panting cat.

"You're gettin' better Apollo! I'm proud!" He winked and playfully nudged Apollo sideways. Apollo laughed a little before swinging round to the dog and preparing to pounce.

"Up for wresteling?" Jasper nodded eagerly, dropping his shoulders and awaiting Apollo's first move. They rolled about for hours.


Artemis sat proudly, her small owl onsie-for-cats squashing her puffy fur. Her new owner, Hannah, was staring down adoringly before picking the cat up. Artemis rolled her eyes, but allowed her to carry on petting anyway. Eventually, after Hannah's display of affection, the two settled down and began to play Hannah's new game. Artemis leapt deftly off of the desk and up onto the cupboards. She pressed the small paw-shaped button and the door opened just enough for a cat to slip out of. Then, once outside, the brown tobier white cat leapt onto the carefully layed out box and hit the recording light button. The red flickered on for half a second, before shutting off completley. Artemis frowned, and with a little more vigour, hit the button with both paws, a small yowl escaping her frustrated lips. The light soon burst through the hallway, alerting everyone and anyone who passed that they were recording. She nodded with satisfaction before heading back into the room. Artemis once again clicked the door button and it slid shut. She jumped steadily onto Hannah's head, gently playing with her hair. The gamer laughed a little, lifting her down and sitting her on the table. Hannah's owl onsie was a perfect match with Artemis' and so they decided to film with facecam.

"Hello everyone and welcome to Assasins Creed Unity. Today I am here with Artemis, who will unfortunatley NOT be playing, due to her lack of thumbs." At this point, as if rehearsed, Artemis sat on her haunches and lifted her paws. Hannah burst into laughter at the feline's actions and struggled to regain her breath. Artemis looked happily at her best friend, glad to make her happy. Eventually, once Hannah had composed herself, they began.


"Oh look at that guy! You little templar bastard you, Com'ere!" Hannah exclaimed, chasing the man who had just put a bullet in her character's back. "Artemis, get the blades!"

Artemis knew what that meant. With great haste, she sped towards the cupboard and retrived Hannah's wrist blades, dropping them at her side and continuing to watch the screen with great intrest. It was almost as if gaming were in her blood. 

"Were did that damn shantee go? For God's Sak-" But Hannah was cut off by Artemis' frantic meowing and pointing. She used her paw to hint at a direction on the screen, and as soon as Hannah turned, she spotted the flying glinting piece of paper.

"Yes girl! That's my Artemis." The rest of the recording session was pretty much full of Artemis and Hannah being the most badass team ever to grace the earth. When they finished, the pair headed to the break room to have have a little snack and maybe a quick chat.


Jasper's chest began to hurt a little and tingle as he and Apollo were playing, but he burshed it off as muscle pains. Apollo was still full of energy and so he forced himself to ocntinue, double the amount of energy Apollo was showing.

The cat nipped Jasper's hind leg gently before rushing into the towers. He was closely followed by the huskollie, and looked over his shoulder at him. Jasper flounced after him, tired but not giving up. Apollo headed for the stairs and worked his advantage yet again, by leaping onto the railing. He galloped up them for all he was worth, yet his strength was at this point dwindling. By the time he had reached the common room, he was exhausted. Jasper was rapidly gaining on him, so Apollo pushed himself for all he was worth, just as he headed into the door, he crashed into something small and fluffy. He shook himself off and stood to look at what had obstructed his path. Artemis' eyes stared back stonily.

"Watch it, Sunnyboy." She spat, referencing his namesake's powers. Apollo, immortal Greek God. Raises the sun. He rolled his eyes and growled back,

"Whatever you say, Huntress." Once again, a reference to a namesake.The great Greek Godess Artemis, known to be the Goddess that not only raises the moon but also leads an elite group of maiden demi-gods, The Hunters. Artemis, the cat, hated when her brother, Apollo, the cat, called her 'Huntress' as he was almost always taking the piss out of her love for video games. That's irrelivant though, and the author clearly reads too much Percy Jackson. And breaks the fourth wall. Oops.

Artemis gritted her teeth and literally seethed at him. For some reason there had just suddenly arisen a strange tension between the siblings. Now, as Artemis and Apollo seemed to be in some strange stare off, Jasper awkwardly broke the tension. 

"Guys? Can you not? I don't get it! Let's go find Duncan Apollo? Yeah?" He tried. Reluctantly Apollo nodded, and headed off, retreating the stare off. Artemis shook her head lightly before continuing her journey to the water bowl.

What was going on between them? 



It has been forever.

Sincerest appologies.

I have been busy with a number of things and activities, including homework, GCSE Literature coursework which is like appaling, maths mock revision, moving 200 sheep. You get the picture.

So here is an extremley overdue, unplanned and badly written chapter. You deserve better for your patience, but I just can't find any inspiration to write this story anymore. I'm going to keep going for now, just bare with me time wise and quality wise ;-;


I am also ill. I have literally just declared it. Damn. 

Well, as always, remember to vote and please comment, it makes my day when I see lovley comments from you lovley people >.<



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