Chapter 20

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Sky's body was drooped lazily and glumly over the side of a small leather sofa. A sofa which brought back many happy memories for the bereaved husky. His once sharp pointed ears now hung low by the sides, indicating his mood was lower than low. The tail which once bash fully wagged into almost every breakable item now sat solemnly still against a bereavement cushion, the words; 'Bonnie~Forever In Our Hearts' neatly sowed into the soft fabric. Sky's dry midnight nose touched the image of the tri-coloured collie on the cushion, all the while wishing with all his might she would return. Without her, his life was weak and empty. He had even bargained in his head,

"I'll give up walking if you come back! I'll give up playing ball if you come back! I'll give up my sense of smell if you come back to me Bon! Ill give up everything, anything you want in order for your return! Please Bon, don't leave it this way"

But alas, no such miracle occurred. Sky missed her sense of humour, playing on the garden for hours on end, and just generally living life to the complete fullest. Now he was alone. It was like Ant without Dec, and he hated it. Every night he would weep the same words, staring- eyes heavy- up at the beautiful dark purple skies every night;

"Bon I miss you more than I would ever have expected. It's like a very piece of my heart has been ripped out and tossed casually over the wall to fall into and endless pit of gloom. You were my sunshine, my moon and my whole universe. The realisation you are never coming back haunts me constantly, and I hate that I will never get to feel the softness of your beautiful fur against mine again, look into your mesmerising shaded eyes, or gaze upon the beauty that was the Bonnie we all knew and loved. I hope you're having a good time up there, the park in the skies. Prancing in the meadows and leaping about in the long grasses. I'll see you soon, Bon"

And with that Sky would simply drop his body and allow his limbs to spread out in the directions they chose. Every time he allowed his mind to drift off into a world of dreams, the only scene that would play in his mind was one he had come up with himself.

Having not seen the crash first hand, Sky's mind and recreated the horror, in a way no doubt more brutal than had actually happened.

~Sky's Dream~

Her eyes full of terror, the collie sped as fast as her legs would take her up the street. Coat flat against her back- Bonnie was beginning to lose pace. The blood-red motor revved behind her causing her to jump. Bonnie's whole body shuddered at the prospect of death. Time seemed to once again slow down as Bonnie's left front leg managed to somehow catch on the completely clear floor, and her body tumbled to the ground with a great thud. Two legs broken and her back fractured, Bonnie managed to move her eyes, just in time to see the car a few metres away. It screamed in her ear drums as it slowly yet swiftly mangled her previously crumpled body. She let out a loud yelp, which was quickly cut off as the murder-machine crushed her heart followed by her brain.

~End of Dream~

Sky's mind seemed to wake him up before any further distress could be caused, and he fell from his window-side seat in Katie's apartment. Vixie was not home, meaning he was left alone to mourn. He liked the peace, it reminded him of the pain.

The Life of a Yogscast CatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora