Chapter 12

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Vixie's POV

Lyndon and I were in hysterics after I fell, with me rolling around on the floor like a lunatic and him nearly falling too, swaying back and forth before finally lying down, inhaling deeply. By the time we had gathered our thoughts and breaths, all of the people in this room were staring at us at whispering comments such as;

'Would you look at those two little love kittens!'


'They make the sweetest couple!'

The short person at the front who Lyndon later told me was referred to as 'Kim' ever went so far to say;

'Im totally shipping #Vixdon and there's nothing you can do to stop me!'

Before promptly running out the room. I wasn't a huge fan of crowds, and so I shyly wrapped my tail around my legs and tucked myself behind a sofa cushion. Lyndon looked at me with those eyes... Those beautiful, majestic green eyes...

Realising I was staring I quickly turned away and blushed; luckily not visible through my fur. I felt a gentle thud and looked to see that Lyndon had landed right beside me. Thank The Lord for fur otherwise id look like a tomato right about now! Lyndon grinned sheepishly at me before heading along the back if the couch to the door.

"You coming Vix?"

Nodding, we skipped down the hall, me skittering to the side anytime a door opened next to us, before Lyndon finally skidded to a halt infront of a tall door. Though to be honest, to me, pretty much all doors were tall. He looked up at some light, before nodding satisfied.

Lyndon's POV

After a casual run down the hall, Vixie and I stopped infront of Nilesy's office. He was nervous for her to meet him. What would happen if he threw her out? Although I thought this very unlikely, in situations such as these call for every possibility and every single option to be lined up and thought about carefully. I was still thinking when I heard the door click open and swing away from me. A familiar voice called out and picked me up, swinging me round gently! Nilesy carried me inside, leaving the door to swing behind him.

"Where ya been bud?" He asked gently stroking my ears. Not the time buddy, I thought as I half jumped and half fell from his arms, landing smartly on my feet. I trotted to the door, now only slightly ajar and lead Vix inside. Nilesy gasped and dropped immediately to his knees, encouraging her over. Vix looked at me over her shoulder, asking for conformation of permission that she may be petted by my human. I chuckled a cat chuckle and nodded eagerly. She continued walking gingerly over to him and for a moment they simply stayed there, Nilesy talking softly and Vixie purring and carefully showing affection. Next thing you know she's jumping all over him, like she's known him all her life! I couldn't help beaming at the sight of my best friend and my... Other best friend, dancing around together. When it eventually came time, we were forced to make our ways home. I hated the idea of leaving Vixie, and we had a plan.

Nilesy's POV

I was about to hop in the taxi with Lyndon to get home, we were later than expected today and the buses were no longer running, when I remembered this other cat. She seemed nice enough, and from what I could tell on her collar, her name was Vixie. This must've been who Lyndon was so eager to head off and see all the time. Anyway, we were just getting in the taxi when Vixie leapt in with Lyndon. Shocked, I laughed before heading in too. He was about to give the driver the adress, of the building anyway, when Lyndon used his teeth to tear Vixie's collar from her neck and drop it into the driver's hands. In less that 10 seconds he flipped her licence round, nodded with a grunt and began to drive, blasting music out louder than Simon when he sees a Piggu. I simply sat in shock looking the the clever cat, who was now carefully placing the collar back on his friend's neck. I saw him struggling and was glad to oblige in finishing the job for him, so I clipped her collar back into place. It looked like we were dropping her off then!

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