Secret Kisses (Alone Time) Part 2 (During) CH: 1 (EFH)

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Accompanied by my uncle, Thomas and I had spent two gruelling days travelling from Bucharest to Liverpool to board the Etruria before it set out for New York. We'd found creative ways of stealing kisses on our journey, and each secret encounter flashed through my mind unbidden - my hands in his dark brown hair, his lips igniting flames across my skin, our -

Excerpt from pg 2 in Escaping From Houdini by Kerri Maniscalco


I looked out the window of the carriage and saw the home of Jack the Ripper. I shut my eyes trying to fight the urge to cry. Though I loved and deeply missed by dear brother, I feared he may still walk amongst the living.

As if reading my mind, Thomas held onto my hand and gently squeezed it. "I'm here. Don't forget that". I looked up at Thomas, tears warning my eyes. "You can cry, Audrey Rose, it's alright".

I leaned into his velvet chest, letting my eyes wash away my sadness. Thomas rocked me gently, soothing me. He softly kissed my forehead and I was about to kiss him when the carriage door abruptly opened.

The coachman opened the door. Looking apologetic, he said, "sorry for the wait, Lord Wadsworth had a misunderstanding with one of you groundsman.

The coachman helped me out of the carriage and looked to Thomas, "You can wait here, I'll be back shortly to take you to your home".

Smiling, I looked at Thomas, "I will come by your flat at half past four".

"See you soon, m'lady".


I walked through the doors of an all too familiar home. It was hard being back in the place that claimed the life of my dear brother and Jack the Ripper.

"Audrey Rose! Oh, how I have missed you!". A loud voice rang out - my father.

"Father! How have you been feeling?" I exclaimed as I ran into my father's embrace.

"I must be honest my dear daughter, I have been better". He said smiling

"I promised Thomas I would come by for tea at half-past four. I need to pack before I leave". Sadly, I looked at my father. "Sorry I am only here for a short while, I will come back and we will talk for hours. I promise".

With that, I ran up the stairs and started to pack. I gathered my favourite dresses and suits. I was excited to see Thomas. I missed him.

I finished packing and brought down the cases that were the lightest.

"I have finished packing. Will you bring me to Thomas' flat?"

"Right away Miss Wadsworth," the driver said obediently.


"Goodbye father, I will be back by dinner."


I knocked on Thomas' front doors and Mrs. Harvey welcomed me into the flat.

"Hello dear, Thomas is in the parlour. I will be there soon with a tray of cookies. Would you like anything?"

"No thank you."

I entered Thomas' parlour and was immediately greeted by a kiss.

"Careful now Thomas; I am only your chaperone." Mrs. Harvey warned, setting down the tray of cookies. She poured a cup of tea for herself, Thomas, and me. "I'll be in my chamber. Call if you need anything. And do not try anything Thomas. Or Lord Wadsworth will have your head."

Mrs. Harvey walked up the stairs leaving us alone. Unchaperoned. 

"Now, where were we?" Thomas said in a sultry tone. I blushed. He made his way back over to where I was standing and kissed me ever so gently on lips. The kiss turned from something so sweet and innocent to something straight out of a romance novel - no doubt the book I was reading back at the castle. I wrapped my hands around his neck and through his dark brown hair. His fingertips lightly tracing the buttons on my dress. I pulled back once I registered what he was doing. 

"As much as I love being with you, I can not stay for long. My driver will be back shortly." 

Thomas looked defeated. "I know." 

"And Mrs. Harvey is correct, my father will have your head If I do not come home as promised." I sat down next to Thomas and laid my head on his shoulder. "Would you care to join us for dinner?" 

"I appreciate the offer Audrey Rose, but I am in need to pack my things." 

There was a knock on the front doors and I knew that was my cue to leave. I bid my farewells to Thomas and Mrs. Harvey.

For the next day, we would board the Etruria. 

To Be Continued...

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