Liza the Wedding Planner

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This chapter starts after the events in EFH on Pg. 184.

"A wedding? I must help plan it!" - Liza

"Oh, and Liza? I look rather breathtaking in pale colours. Spring is just around the corner too. Perhaps you should start there." - Thomas

Liza's POV

Audrey, Thomas, and I were sitting around a wooden table in Audrey and I's cabin. I had papers sprawled on the table and had begun to write on a piece of paper: Audrey and Thomas' Wedding Spring 1889.

"As your wedding planner, we should start planning this in advance- three to four months in advance to be exact. So, I will be asking you some questions regarding your special day, and I will need you both to cooperate with this questionnaire. Firstly, you both will need to be engaged before the wedding, and hopefully, betrothed to each other."

"Don't worry Liza, Mr Wadsworth has approved our relationship, and given me full reign on a proper engagement when we return from Chicago."

I pulled Audrey and Thomas into a light embrace; exclaiming, "Oh, lovely! I can't wait for the happy day!"I let go of Audrey and Thomas and continued my questioning.

"Liza, how do you know so much about wedding planning?" My dear cousin asked.

"Oh, I read, dear cousin, there isn't a lot to do at home. That's why I ran away to join the circus! Anyways, Audrey, Thomas? Have you given any thought to who you will invite? Friends and family, or just family?"

"Just family. Right, Audrey Rose?"

"Yes- but we could invite Noah from the Academy."

"Perfect! A spring wedding! Dog's Mercury, Primrose, and Orchids shall be lining the isles and centrepieces for tables! Oh, I'm so excited to share this blessed day with you both."

"That sounds like a beautiful idea, Liza!" Audrey exclaimed.

"Thomas, I believe this will be your favourite part of planning, the wedding cake!"

"Although I do love a chocolate cake, I think we should stick to the traditional Victoria Sponge Cake. Do you agree m'lady?"

"I believe this will be the only time I agree with you on a dessert-base."

"Perfect! Mother will be so pleased to hear that! I was thinking that the after-wedding reception location should be along the Thames River. Audrey, your hair would be flowing so beautifully against the warm river wind."

"I could write to my father, he knows of a photographer and his son who has many popular photographs, who goes by the name of Harold Baker, they're stationed in Birmingham," added Thomas.

"Now, to the last part, have you given any thought to where you would like to have your honeymoon?"

"I don't think we need to go on anything like that right, Thomas?"

"What?! Of course, we're going on a honeymoon! Don't you remember when I told you we have a Countryside Estate?" *1

"Oh, right, sorry I wasn't thinking when you told me that."

"Okay, lovebirds, I heard from a little birdie, that there will be a grand opening of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. It will be announced after the World's Fair, which you two are heading. Isn't it just fascinating to know that you may be among the first to walk to that beautiful structure of innovation?"

"When did you become an architecture enthusiast, Liza?"

"I'm only interested in Paris because it's the City of Love!" I clapped my hands together, excitedly. "I hope Harry and I go one day... maybe he'll propose there! Oh! I would die if he proposed!" 

"Don't get too excited, Liza. I will make sure to give my flowers to you after the ceremony."

"Alright, dear cousin, your right." I started gathering all of my papers, picked up my bonnet and walked towards the door, "I think I know enough to give to an actual wedding planner. I'll let you two... talk. See at dinner!" With that I giddily walked out the door, giving them some time to talk about the last hour or so of talking and planning for their very special day. 'Oh! I'm so excited!"


Here's some research I did for this chapter:

*1 EFH Pg. 48-50

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