(36) Queen

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"Makennah. Kitchen," Will said shortly as they arrived home. The boys applauded Makennah endlessly for her act of courage. Will and Carolynn failed to chime in. She was feeling a little self-conscience and also really strong at the same time. She felt conflicted because she knew that fighting would not live up to Will and Carolynn's standards. But there's no way Makennah could deny her heritage and put Maisie in her place.

So far, she hadn't had time to check her phone. However, she briefly glanced at the screen and saw ten new text messages from Theo. Silently, she wondered if he echoed similar sentiments as the Sinclair brothers who were still absolutely astounded at Makennah's strength and resilience.

In the kitchen, Makennah collapsed in a kitchen stool. She wasn't that tired but her body was crashing from the adrenaline. And she was still covered in blood. Considering the mistakes she had made recently and not wanting to further upset them, Makennah started by apologizing. "I'm sorry for fighting. I know you wouldn't like that."

Both Carolynn and Will crossed their arms over their chest. Will took his stance by the stove while Carolynn leaned against the counter. "Apology accepted. However, we feel the need to set some ground rules."

Will cleared his throat and glanced at his wife. "Our rules for the boys apply the same way for you. In this household, we never use physical violence as a means to an end."

"We believe that violence is never the answer," Carolynn added.

"However," Will curled his lips in. He looked like he was trying to cover a smile. "We do support self-defense and protection. In the case that someone were to hit you first, of course we believe that you should be able to defend yourself."

Carolynn nodded in agreeance. "As far as we could see, that girl hit you first. Obviously, you bear the evidence of that."

Makennah glanced between them. She was very confused by this conversation. She expected more yelling and disciplining. "Okay..." She wasn't sure what else to say.

"We are a bit concerned..." Carolynn shot a look to Will. "...that you would have taken out some anger on her that might have been unwarranted for the moment. That is where we draw the line. Do you understand?"

She nodded once. "Yes, I do." She was getting off way too easy right now.

"We are not grounding you because you never actually hit her. You bore the embarrassment of getting benched for the game. Plus, you took a hit to the face. We figure that's enough for one day," Will said.

Carolynn sighed and dug into a medicine cabinet by the kitchen sink. "Here's some advil. I'm sure that hurts a little. Go get cleaned up." Carolynn deposited the pills into Makennah's hand before disappearing into the back of the house where their room was.

For a second, Will just looked at her. Then he circled the kitchen island and offered her his fist. "That was wicked awesome. I'm proud of you, kid."

Makennah weakly smiled and bumped his fist. "Thanks. I don't really feel like the victor though."

"The ref treated you unfairly. Don't lose sleep over it. I know you would have pummeled that girl if you had the chance," Will told her as he ruffled her hair. She kind of felt like a little kid. She kind of didn't care.


That night, Makennah fell asleep texting Theo about a show he was watching on Netflix that he recommended she start. There was some general flirting, winky faces, and just one sexual remark. Texting him provided a great distraction for the other issues going on in her life. Not to mention, it kept her from lying awake and thinking about her mom in jail...again.

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