Chapter 18

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Sunny's POV

I ran down the stairs careful not to trip. Giggling I hid behind the stairs crouching down so Caleb could not see me. Soon I heard loud stomping coming down. "Oh Suuuuunshiiiiiine!" His voice rang out. I placed my hands over my mouth stifling my giggles.

Since Xavier had to go to his photo shoot I was left alone with Caleb. It took much persuading though since Xavier was pretty set on just taking me with him, but after about 30 minutes of me and Caleb promising we would not do anything that could get me hurt he hesitantly left.

As of right now me and Caleb were play a very intense game of tag and right now he was "It".


I squealed loudly falling down on my bottom before erupting in another round of loud giggles. Caleb squats down to my level before picking me up and tossing me over his shoulder. "Wh-what? Put me d-down!" I squirmed.

"Stay still!" He muttered and carried me to god knows where.

Finally, he sat me down and I took a second to get rid of the dizziness. When I could see clearly I looked around. We were in the kitchen. "What are we doing I-in here?" I asked confused.

"We are going to a bake a cake!" Caleb said happily.

"Really!?" I asked. I had always wanted to bake a cake.

"Yep! We just need to get the ingredients!" He pulled out his phone. "According to Mommas Bakeria Website we need flour, eggs, water, oil..." He continued naming off multiple ingredients.

"I'll go get the flour, oil and sugar. If you can you grab the eggs and one cup of water please." I nodded my head even though I had no idea how or where I would get anything. I imagine water would be the easiest to grab so I walked over towards the sink. One cup of water. I looked up at the high cupboard that held all of the cups.

By placing one foot on one of the handles on the drawers I hoisted myself up on the counter so I could reach the cupboard. I opened the door and grabbed a glass out before hopping back down nearly slipping in the process. Now that is done I had to get the eggs.

I assumed the eggs were in the fridge so I skipped over to there and grabbed the carton of eggs while holding the cup of water in my other hand. I skipped back over to Caleb who had already gotten the other ingredient and sat down the water and eggs.

"Now we need to mix all the ingredients up and throw them in the oven!" He grabbed an egg and cracked it into the bowl.

Awhile later

The kitchen was a complete disaster. When I say disaster I mean it looks like a egg and flower fairy blew up in here. It wouldn't of happened if Caleb didn't decide to dump the bag of flower on my head. I, of course, had to get back at him so I threw an egg at his face and somehow the kitchen ended up like this.

Caleb right now was sweeping the floor as I was wiping the counter. We both knew that doing this was not going to get the egg off the ceiling and the flour out of the cupboards but it wouldn't hurt to try.

Xavier was supposed to be here any minute so me and Caleb were rushing to get clean the most we could which wasn't a lot.

A door opened in what sounded like the living room and me and Caleb looked at each other with worried glances. We were dead.

"Sunny!" Xavier's voice resonated through the halls. We heard his footsteps approaching the door.

The door of the kitchen creaked open. All was silent before I heard Caleb mutter "Shit!"

"What the fuck happened to my kitchen!" Xavier yelled causing me to jump and out of habit run over to Caleb. Caleb grabbed me and hugged me close to his chest.

"Stop yelling!" Caleb yelled back.

"How can I stop fucking yelling when my kitchen looks like a tornado ran through it!"

Caleb pulled me tighter against him. I hated it when people were angry; it reminded me so much of my step-mom and how she would get mad at the slightest things. Tear built up in my eyes. What if Xavier was just like my step-mom. My step-mom was nice at first but when my dad died it was like something clicked and she turned into this evil, vile monster.

"Give Sunny to me!" Xavier yelled.

"No! I'm not giving her to you when your mad like this!" Caleb said.

"You think I'm going to fucking hurt her?!"

"Actually yes! Who's knows what you are going to do when you act like this!" Caleb yelled loudly.

I let out a little sob.

All was quiet for a little bit. I poked my head out from Caleb's chest and looked up at him. He looked down at me and then back up. "You are scaring the shit out of her Xavier! You need to go cool down!"

"I will but let me have her!" Xavier said calmer this time but I could still hear the hint of anger in his voice.

"I'm will not let you even touch her till you go take a fucking minute to cool off!"

"You fucking son of a b-"

"Go now!" Caleb interrupted.

"Fine!" Xavier yelled and I heard the sound of his footsteps walk off.

I felt the tears start to come up to my eyes. I let out a small sob until many more sobs followed to the point where I was full out bawling into Caleb's chest.

"Shh, it's okay, love," He said softly, "why don't you go and lay down." I nodded and he pulled me out of the kitchen.


Hey my little peaches 🍑

So I would've had this chapter posted a few days ago but I completely destroyed my phone at school to the point where I could not even use the screen and had nothing to type a chapter with except a laptop but my laptop had Wattpad blocked on it because it is a school laptop. Why would they block a reading website? 🤔

But I wish I could have made this chapter longer but I'm currently brainstorming some very interesting chapters so stay tuned for some Sunny and Xavier action.

The question of the day is: Favorite sweet treat? Mine is cookie dough or cheesecake!

I really hope you enjoy the chapter and I love y'all so much! Bye my peaches!

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