₁₀ . fake id

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We both sat at a table in the back of a crowded Starbucks. We had got cash from a weird machine that Finn used with his credit card then taken a taxi twenty minutes away to get there, so that we were far enough from the hotel. While we were in the car, we decided that there was no reason for Finn to talk to his parents or continue with the press tour since we were on the run now, so the only logical step was for us to go to California and find my dad. Finn was on the phone with somebody, and I was just sitting there and watching him as I chewed on my blueberry muffin.

"Can you just text me the address?" he asked into the phone.
"Yeah okay and it'll only be like half an hour right?"
"Okay, cool. Thank you so much I owe you one, dude."

"Who was that?," I asked after he hung up.

"Some guy I know. I was asking him where we could get you a fake."

"A fake what?," I asked.

"An ID card. If we're going to go to California then you need one to get on the plane."

"you mean a passport?," I asked.

"Yeah, well I use a passport but if you're American and just flying in the country then you can use another kind of ID, and it's hard to make a fake passport so we'll get you a driver's license or something."

"Isn't that illegal?," I asked.

"Really illegal," he said. "but lots of people buy them so that they can drink alcohol underage." I nodded, that made a lot of sense. "We should actually go soon. It's only a ten-minute walk away."

We left the restaurant and Finn and I followed the directions on his phone. The whole walk, we talked about what we would do next. We kept walking until we reached a dot on the map on his phone. I looked around, and we were on a pretty busy street.

"Are we near the place?," I asked.

"Yeah," said Finn. "It's in the back of some pizzeria."

"A what?"

Finn ignored my question and just pointed. "Right there." I followed him into a pizza restaurant called 'Rosa's'. It was pretty quiet and there was only one man in the room, standing behind the cash register trying something on his phone. Finn coughed to get his attention.

"You kids want pizza?" the man asked, without looking up.

"No," I said.

"So you want weed or a fake?"

"A fake driver's license for her," Finn said.

"Ok go on back."

Finn gave me a confused look, not knowing what to do. I nudged him towards the door that leads to behind the counter and we hesitantly walked through the door and the pizza kitchen. There was a curtain of beads at the end, and Finn pushed them to the side and walked through.

In the backroom, there were two young men and a girl about our age sitting on a couple of sofas, smoking and playing cards. The room was hazy and has shelves littered with tons of old papers and other junk, as well as one window near the ceiling and a water-damaged closet door that were both cracked slightly open.

"Hey," said Finn. He got the three stranger's attention and they all turned their heads to us.

"Oh hi," said one of the dudes, oddly welcomingly. He stood up and outstretched his hand. "My name's Lex." Finn accepted it and shook his hand firmly, so I did the same. 

"I-I'm Finn and that's Stella."

"That's Leah and Jose," he gestured towards the other two college-aged kids. "So what do you two want? Weed or pods?" asked 'Lex'. I thought he had a pretty unusual name.

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