₁₃ . dumb teenager stuff

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It was around noon, and we'd been driving nonstop since the morning. The entire ride, we had just been talking and sharing funny stories with each other. We had stopped earlier at a drive-thru coffee place to get coffee and bagels for breakfast.

The car was now silent besides the music. We had been singing along to Finn's Spotify playlists for the most part, but a softer song was playing at this point. Finn was at the wheel and me in the passenger seat. I had decided to take a break, and there weren't many other people on the highway which meant Finn was fine with driving.

"You know what I want to do?" I said, interrupting the silence.


"There are just so many things I've never experienced."

"Well is there anything in particular that you want to do?"

"Well first of all," I thought for a moment, "I want to get my ears pierced."

"We can do that on the way to California. I have an idea of a place where we can stop."

"I also want to get a tattoo"

Finn laughed a little, "Of what?"

"I dunno, anything. Just to say I got a tattoo"

"Do you have any ideas?"


"I'd get something stupid. Like a smiley face or something."

"I guess I'd get something space-related, or something in memory of my mom. Like her thumbprint or initials or something."

"That's cute. What else do you want to do?"

"I've always wanted to ride a bike."

"I can teach you. I have plenty of experience"

"I also want to go swimming"

"We can do that too"

"Can we do it today?"

"I mean, we need to find a hotel or something with a pool. We'll probably get a hotel room tonight anyways, I'm not sure how close we are to the camping spot, and we're gonna need to get camping gear at some point."

'Okay," I said, smiling to myself.

"Do you even know how to swim?"

"Not, but I've heard it's a bit like zero gravity."

"What's that like?" he asked, even though he was still clearly a little skeptical.

"Fun, until you get used to it. At that point, it's just inconvenient. It's just hard like, showering and peeing and eating and that kind of stuff."

Finn nodded. "So anything else you want to try."

"I don't know. Everything I guess. Like, what do normal kids our age do for fun."

"I guess when I'm not working I just hang out with my friends, watch movies, film stupid videos, listen to music. Mostly just do dumb shit."

"I wanna do dumb shit. Ohhh, you know what. I want to go to a party."

"Like a houseparty?"

"Yeah, with like drunk people doing stupid stuff"

"I don't really go to parties. I get invited to lots though, but I think it's more fun to drink and do that kind of stuff with smaller groups of friends and keep it more low-key. I guess I just have to watch what I do so I don't get in trouble."

"Look how what turned out," I teased.


"But I'm serious I want to do dumb teenage stuff. I've never even drunk alcohol before, or smoked weed or tried vaping or anything like that. I've also never even kissed anybody."

𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙪𝙨  [finn wolfhard] [✔]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang