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"Stella," Finn's voice pleads. "Stella come on stay awake for me."

I sat up in the backseat. "What?"

"Good," he says, relieved, "you're up."

"Where am I?" I ask, dizzy.

"We're on our way to California."

I look around the car, it's night time and Finn is driving down the highway. Then it comes back to me, my incident and leaving the hospital and stealing whatever car we're in right now. I look over at Finn. There's a beeping light on the dashboard.

"Finn you're about to run out of gas," I warn him.

"Shit," he groans. He didn't even notice, too hazy from how exhausted he is.

"Finn do you want me to drive for a bit," I ask, knowing damn well I shouldn't drive with the nausea I feel creeping up on me.

"No, you almost just died. I'm not letting you get behind the wheel," he says, sternly.

I sigh and climb into the front seat

"Stella what are you doing? You need to rest."

I stare at the streetlights as Finn zooms down the highway, mesmerized by the glare of the white and red lights on the busy road and palm trees on the sides. "'ll just rest up here, I say, as I put my feet up on the dashboard.

"How are you feeling?" Finn asks.

"Light headed."

"Yeah, you lost a couple of pints of blood."

"Feels like it," I laugh.

"So, did you uhh, hear what they said?"

"What?" I say, "when the called the FBI?"

"No," Finn tells me, "they saw your x-rays, and I'm just kinda scared that it's gonna get out to like the public and stuff."

"Let it get out," I say, "honestly, fuck NASA."

Finn laughs, glad that I'm reacting this way, and keeping a level enough head.

"So how close are we?" I ask. I'm so out of it. I literally feel high, like I'm on the anesthesia they used for my surgeries again. It's like when you feel dizzy, and everything around you is moving faster than you are.

"Navigation says an hour and a half. The suns gonna be up soon."

"Okay," I yawn, "I think I'm gonna nap more."

"Cool, as long as you wake up," Finn smiles.

I laugh and shut my eyes again. I quickly drift off into sleep, escaping back to the stars. The dream returns, the one where I'm in space with Finn. Something so unrealistic, basically impossible, yet so perfect feeling in the dream. 


"Stella," Finn says, shaking me.

"What?" I yawn.

"We're in malibu."

My eyes open and I can hear a bird chirping. It's daylight now, and Finn parked the car. I assume we've reached my dad's by now.

I touch my face, feeling a weird sensation on my skin, and I find some dried blood on my lip that came from my nose while I slept.

"Here," Finn says. He reaches over and wipes it off for me with his finger.

"When did it get light out?"

"While you were asleep."

I look around and see only the ocean and trees behind us.

𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙪𝙨  [finn wolfhard] [✔]Where stories live. Discover now