₁₂ . criminals

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"Wake up," said Finn, shaking me. I opened my eyes to see people already standing up and getting their bags in the aisles. "We're in Arizona," he said, pulling his backpack out from under the seat in front of him. 

I was kind of sad that I was back to reality, considering how good my dream felt. I couldn't help but wonder if Finn had any of the same feelings for me that I had towards him.

I unbuckled my seatbelt, picked up my bag, and stood up so I could stretch my arms. My body felt heavier than ever before, probably from the flight. My limbs felt almost magnetically pulled down to the floor. My heartbeat felt loud, and I could feel the thumping in my chest ripple through the rest of me.

"Are you okay?" Finn asked me.

"Yeah, it's just the gravity. I'm still adjusting to the atmosphere and I think the flight messed that up."

He gave me a strange look. I couldn't tell if it was empathy or confusion. I followed him off the plane and through the airport. There was barely anybody there, except for other people from our flight. It was pretty early in the morning, so that made sense.

"Where are we going now?" I asked him as we walked past the bag collection and towards the exit signs.

"Well, we could drive to California or we could do something else. I don't care anymore about missing interviews, I'm gonna be in trouble anyways and I don't have any filming for like a month."

"So you're saying you want to stay in Arizona."

"Well, we'll probably be traced to phoenix but we can rent a car and go somewhere else before California. There's somewhere really cool I want to take you. Well, it's kind of a camping trip, but I think you'd like it."

"Sure, I've never been camping before," I say. 

We walked through a set of automatic doors. The air felt more humid than in New York, yet refreshingly warm. I walked with Finn into another air-conditioned building. There was a big green logo that said Enterprise Car Rentals on the front. There was nobody at the front desk of the building or anybody in the building for that matter. Except for one security guard in the corner, fast asleep in his chair

"Hello?" asked Finn.

The man didn't respond.

"Finn, the sign at the desk says you have to be 25 to rent a car."

"well," he said as he thought. "There aren't any employees here telling us that."

"Where do they keep the car keys?"

"Probably in the room behind the desk"

"Are you implying that we steal a car?" he whispered. I looked over at the employee, and he was still fast asleep. I checked for security cameras, and I couldn't find any in the room.

"Well, technically you can't commit a crime if you're not a documented person, and I just happen to be that."

Finn gave me a look that just screamed 'are you kidding me'.

"Fine," he said. "But we are definitely changing our looks before we go to California because I can't get fucking arrested. In the past 24 hours, I've already run from the FBI, purchased a fake ID, used marijuana, and lied to sneak you onto a plane."

"Well stop bragging," I teased.

"Just get the keys," he insisted, anxious to leave quickly. I took off my backpack and dropped it onto the floor before slipping under the desk and walked through the open door to the back room. There was another employee, asleep in front of the security camera monitor that was showing the parking lot from different angles. I walked closer to him and could tell that he was really fast asleep. 

I looked closer at the screen and used the mouse to click on the camera settings for each camera. I turned off the cameras in the parking lot one by one, meaning that they wouldn't have any footage of us stealing the car. Next, I went to the cabinet on the back wall with all the car keys. It was shut, but luckily unlocked. I opened the cabinet and examined the rows of black car keys, all with the same green keychain with the rental logo.

"Finn, I don't know what key goes with which car, should I just take a random one," I whisper-yelled.

"I don't know," he responded. "Tell me the names, like the company logos."

"Okay, umm. Some of them are just symbols. Okay, there's a Ford, Kia, Dodge, Volvo, Jeep,' I said as I pulled random keys off their hooks. "What do these even mean?"

"Uhh, get a jeep, that could be fun."

"Ok," I yelled back. I pulled the black car key off its hook and gently closed the cabinet. I wanted to make sure I left zero evidence that we had been there. I hurried back out the door and under the desk again. 

Finn held his hand out for the key, and I tossed it to him in exchange for my backpack. In his other hand was a road map that he found on the front desk. He smiled and spun the key around his finger. "okay, let's go," he said.

I followed him through the automatic doors and into the parking lot. He clicked a button and the car's lights flashed on and off in the far corner of the lot. We both ran to the car. It was black and had big wheels. 

"This car is actually so cool," I said as I opened the passenger side door. 

"Yeah," said Finn as he walked up right behind me. "Can you drive it?"

I turned around and looked him in the eye. It took me a moment to say "fine" and walk over to the driver's side. I tossed my bag into the backseat and sat down in front of the wheel so I could try to figure out how to drive it.

"There are too many buttons," I exclaimed. Finn passed me the key and I placed it in the ignition and turned it. The car's dashboard and the screen lit up, and Finn started turning on the air conditioning. I quickly figured out what was what, and put the car in reverse before hitting the gas. I hastily pulled out of the parking lot and headed onto the road. I followed road signs that signaled at an exit while Finn confusedly looked at the road map.

"Okay, you need to take route 51 north up to interstate 17," he said.

"What does that mean?," I asked.

"Drive to the exit and then on the highway follow the signs that say a white 51," he explained.

"Can you just tell me where to turn?," I asked frustrated.

"LEFT!," Finn yelled.

I swerved the car to the left and followed the road out of the airport and into a major road.

"see, it says 51 right there," Finn pointed to a road sign. I turned onto the busy highway, following the arrow that pointed to route 51.

"Okay, now are we on the right track?"

"Yeah," said Finn. "Also you forgot your turn signal," he teased.

I looked over at him, grinning at me in the passenger seat. "Just put on some music or something," I sighed. "I can't believe we just stole a car."

"yeah, but I feel kinda badass," remarked Finn.

"Me too. I feel like nothing can stop me," I said, in a sarcastic manner.

"I'm above the law," Finn joked. He rolled down his window and stuck his head out. "I'M ABOVE THE LAW, YOU HEAR THAT ARIZONIANS!!?!?!"

I rolled down my window, too. "YOU HEARD THAT, FUCK THE LAW!"

We both rolled our windows back up, laughing. "But you know that laws are actually pretty important, right?" he asked me.

"Yeah definitely. I'm sure I'll obey them when this is over," I said.

"Well, not allll of them," added Finn.

"Definitely not every single one, just like the important ones like not stealing cars or killing people."

"Aww, really? Because I was hoping you could help me with this murder I have coming up real soon. I was hoping you could be the getaway driver," Finn joked, getting up in my face.

I rolled my eyes and slapped him on the shoulder.

"Ow! You're actually kinda strong," he whined.

"Perfect for killing people," I added.

𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙪𝙨  [finn wolfhard] [✔]Where stories live. Discover now