₁₅ . nosebleeds

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It was the next morning. And as you would have guessed, I didn't feel amazing. I actually woke up to a headache and nosebleed, so that wasn't the best. Finn helped me feel better though, before we got back on the road.

We had been driving for maybe an hour, and Finn had spent most of that time writing stuff on the map, trying to get us back on track to wherever he was taking me camping that night. We were on a freeway, heading north through some town.

"Wait, pull in here on the right," he told me, suddenly.

"We're stopping?"

"Yeah, we need to buy camping gear."

"Okay," I said, slowing down and using that turn signal button that Finn told me about. I carefully pulled into the parking lot and found an empty space to park in.

"Wow, you're good at parking," Finn commented.

"I told you I was a good driver," I said, raising an eyebrow. "So what are we getting?"

"We need uhh, sleeping bags, flashlights probably, we can get food at a grocery store, we probably need stuff to start a fire, and we should get clothes so we can't be recognized if they've, you know, tracked us here."

We got out the car, taking our bags with is, and Finn looked around as if he was checking to see if somebody was watching us. "You know, we should probably take off the license plate so no traffic cameras find us."

"Oh, that's smart," I said. I would have never thought of that.

Finn walked over to the plate and observed it. "Yeah, we need to get a screwdriver." He looked around for a moment, before saying, "okay, let's go." 

I followed him into the store, which had a big sign in blue letters that read "COSTCO." Finn took a shopping cart from the front of the store before we walked through the glass doors, which to my surprise opened automatically. The air conditioning reminded me of home, giving me goosebumps that made the hairs on my arm stand up.

 I looked around the store as we wandered down the aisles. It was fucking huge. I didn't do much other than observe everything that was happening in the room as Finn found our items. There were so many people filling the gaps between ceiling-high shelves. And by ceiling-high, I mean like 40 feet tall shelves. I felt like I was in some kind of warehouse.

"Stella," Finn snapped, pulling me out of my trance.


"Two sleeping bags for sixty or one two-person for forty?"

"Whatever you want," I said back, not really understanding the difference.

"I didn't even know they made queen size sleeping bags," he laughed, putting a single item into the cart. He added a few more things from the section of the store, most of which I didn't really recognize. We wandered into the clothing section, and Finn glanced at me.

"I... don't know what to do," I told him, laughing at myself.

"We should try and like, look really normal," he told me, whatever that meant. "I think I have an idea."

I walked out of the public bathroom. We had already checked out, and Finn told me to go get dressed. I spotted Finn, sitting on a bench with our cart.

"What do you think?" I asked. He looked me up and down.

"You look... southern."

I sighed, "is it the hat?"

I was wearing another pair of basic denim shorts, this time dark blue, with a plain white tank top, a pair of Adidas slide-on sandals, and a black baseball cap.

𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙪𝙨  [finn wolfhard] [✔]Where stories live. Discover now